new year Crossword Puzzles

New Year!! 2016-12-12

New Year!! crossword puzzle
  1. Shio urutan pertama.
  2. Kembang api.
  3. Tahun baru Islam.
  4. Makanan perlambang kemakmuran saat Imlek.
  5. Kue khas imlek.
  6. Warna khas Imlek.
  7. Negara tradisi makan 12 anggur saat tahun baru.
  8. Malam tahun baru Imlek (pinyin).
  9. Penanggalan tahun baru internasional.
  10. Mengunjungi sanak keluarga saat Imlek (pinyin).
  1. Penanggalan tahun baru Imlek.
  2. Kumpul makan bersama saat tahun baru imlek. (pinyin).
  3. Tari singa.
  4. Negara dengan selisih waktu 7 jam dari Indonesia.
  5. Negara terakhir perayaan tahun baru.
  6. Negara pertama perayaan tahun baru.
  7. festival lima belas hari setelah Imlek.
  8. Buah perlambang hoki saat Imlek.
  9. Perayaan lima belas hari setelah Imlek di Singkawang.
  10. Jumlah perayaan tahun baru di Indonesia dalam setahun.
  11. Shio tahun baru Imlek 2017.

21 Clues: Tari singa.Kembang api.Kue khas imlek.Tahun baru Islam.Warna khas Imlek.Shio urutan pertama.Shio tahun baru Imlek 2017.Penanggalan tahun baru Imlek.Buah perlambang hoki saat Imlek.Malam tahun baru Imlek (pinyin).Negara pertama perayaan tahun baru.Negara terakhir perayaan tahun baru.Penanggalan tahun baru internasional....

New Year!! 2016-12-15

New Year!! crossword puzzle
  1. Shio tahun baru Imlek 2017.
  2. Warna khas Imlek.
  3. Shio urutan pertama.
  4. Tari singa.
  5. Kue khas imlek.
  6. Penanggalan tahun baru internasional.
  7. Mengunjungi sanak keluarga saat Imlek (pinyin).
  8. Asal negara lagu Auld Lang Syne.
  9. Penanggalan tahun baru Imlek.
  10. Jumlah perayaan tahun baru di Indonesia dalam setahun.
  11. Kumpul makan bersama saat tahun baru imlek(pinyin).
  12. Kembang api.
  13. Malam tahun baru Imlek(pinyin).
  1. Negara terakhir perayaan tahun baru.
  2. Nama asli sinterklas dalam tokoh cerita rakyat Eropa.
  3. Makanan perlambang kemakmuran saat Imlek.
  4. Negara pertama perayaan tahun baru.
  5. Singkatan AD (Latin).
  6. Negara tradisi makan 12 anggur saat tahun baru.
  7. Daun Natal (Inggris).
  8. Festival lima belas hari setelah Imlek.
  9. Tahun baru Islam.
  10. Alat musik tiup.
  11. Nama awal bulan Juli.
  12. Buah perlambang hoki saat Imlek.
  13. Nama bulan Januari mitologi Romawi.
  14. Negara dengan selisih waktu 7 jam dari Indonesia.
  15. Perayaan lima belas hari setelah Imlek di Singkawang.

28 Clues: Tari singa.Kembang api.Kue khas imlek.Alat musik tiup.Warna khas Imlek.Tahun baru Islam.Shio urutan pertama.Singkatan AD (Latin).Daun Natal (Inggris).Nama awal bulan Juli.Shio tahun baru Imlek 2017.Penanggalan tahun baru Imlek.Malam tahun baru Imlek(pinyin).Buah perlambang hoki saat Imlek.Asal negara lagu Auld Lang Syne....

New Year 2022-12-09

New Year crossword puzzle
  1. we drink it with marshmallows
  2. we can lit it in darkness
  3. a storm with snow
  4. is a symbol of christmas
  5. pines and branches that are put together as decoration
  6. a sport with skis
  7. a wet snow
  8. storm
  9. made with snow
  10. where presents are put
  11. a little piece of snow
  12. is celebrated on the 1st of January
  13. a "fruit" of christmas tree
  1. white and red caramel sweets
  2. a gift
  3. is a symbol of new year
  4. where Santa travels
  5. a frozen water
  6. a big holiday in America and Europe
  7. an extremely cold weather
  8. a night before holiday
  9. drink that is the symbol of New Year
  10. you can do it on ice
  11. a fruit that is a symbol of New Year
  12. are hung on the christmas tree

25 Clues: storma gifta wet snowa frozen watermade with snowa storm with snowa sport with skiswhere Santa travelsyou can do it on icea night before holidaywhere presents are puta little piece of snowis a symbol of new yearis a symbol of christmaswe can lit it in darknessan extremely cold weathera "fruit" of christmas treewhite and red caramel sweets...

New Year 2021-01-05

New Year crossword puzzle
  1. Great gift for a St Johnstone fan to wear
  2. You can do stunts riding this, at the skatepark
  3. A film about a boy left behind by his parents
  4. An unusual christmas gift. Attach yourself with strong elastic then leap off a bridge!
  5. A cowboy character from Toy Story
  6. A corkboard used to throw small arrows at
  7. A great way to spend your holidays. On wheels
  8. Spin the handles, to score a goal in this game
  9. '....Feet' A movie about a dancing penguin
  10. A touchscreen tablet
  1. Many of us might have made a New Year ....
  2. Have fun with a remote controlled ...
  3. A special chair that can tilt forward or back
  4. Used to take photographs
  5. A small computer you can put on your knee
  6. Film: The Greatest .......
  7. Film: Who was The Prince of Thieves
  8. Which car sounded like .......Bang Bang
  9. A popular Christmas gift to read
  10. how far apart must we keep from each other
  11. Film: The Sound of .....
  12. This Band sang 'Fairytale of New York' and have made their own whisky

22 Clues: A touchscreen tabletUsed to take photographsFilm: The Sound of .....Film: The Greatest .......A popular Christmas gift to readA cowboy character from Toy StoryFilm: Who was The Prince of ThievesHave fun with a remote controlled ...Which car sounded like .......Bang BangGreat gift for a St Johnstone fan to wear...

New Year 2024-01-10

New Year crossword puzzle
  1. terug in contact komen met
  2. voornemen
  3. uitstelgedrag
  4. doorzetten
  5. bereiken
  6. weight bijkomen in gewicht
  7. beleefd
  8. ongezond
  9. vastberadenheid
  10. de moeite waard zijn
  11. moderation met mate
  12. verminderen
  13. nutteloos
  14. rate slaagkans
  15. stipt
  16. falen
  1. druk
  2. stoppen met iets, synoniem voor 'to stop'
  3. deelnemer
  4. gezonder
  5. nutteloos scrollen
  6. zelfvertrouwen
  7. werken als vrijwilliger
  8. ontgoocheling
  9. bedoeling, intentie
  10. wilskracht
  11. onnodig
  12. belofte
  13. gewoonte
  14. schema

30 Clues: drukstiptfalenschemaonnodigbeleefdbeloftegezonderbereikenongezondgewoontedeelnemervoornemennutteloosdoorzettenwilskrachtverminderenuitstelgedragontgoochelingzelfvertrouwenrate slaagkansvastberadenheidnutteloos scrollenbedoeling, intentiemoderation met matede moeite waard zijnwerken als vrijwilligerterug in contact komen met...

New Year 2024-01-01

New Year crossword puzzle
  1. drink that is the symbol of New Year
  2. a storm with snow
  3. are hung on the christmas tree
  4. you can do it on ice
  5. is a symbol of christmas
  6. a night before holiday
  7. a frozen water
  8. a wet snow
  9. storm
  10. made with snow
  11. a "fruit" of christmas tree
  12. we drink it with marshmallows
  13. is a symbol of new year
  14. where presents are put
  1. a big holiday in America and Europe
  2. we can lit it in darkness
  3. where Santa travels
  4. pines and branches that are put together as decoration
  5. a sport with skis
  6. a gift
  7. a little piece of snow
  8. a fruit that is a symbol of New Year
  9. is celebrated on the 1st of January
  10. an extremely cold weather
  11. white and red caramel sweets

25 Clues: storma gifta wet snowa frozen watermade with snowa storm with snowa sport with skiswhere Santa travelsyou can do it on icea night before holidaya little piece of snowwhere presents are putis a symbol of new yearis a symbol of christmaswe can lit it in darknessan extremely cold weathera "fruit" of christmas treewhite and red caramel sweets...

New Year 2024-01-02

New Year crossword puzzle
  1. drink that is the symbol of New Year
  2. a storm with snow
  3. are hung on the christmas tree
  4. you can do it on ice
  5. is a symbol of christmas
  6. a night before holiday
  7. a frozen water
  8. a wet snow
  9. storm
  10. made with snow
  11. a "fruit" of christmas tree
  12. we drink it with marshmallows
  13. is a symbol of new year
  14. where presents are put
  1. a big holiday in America and Europe
  2. we can lit it in darkness
  3. where Santa travels
  4. pines and branches that are put together as decoration
  5. a sport with skis
  6. a gift
  7. a little piece of snow
  8. a fruit that is a symbol of New Year
  9. is celebrated on the 1st of January
  10. an extremely cold weather
  11. white and red caramel sweets

25 Clues: storma gifta wet snowa frozen watermade with snowa storm with snowa sport with skiswhere Santa travelsyou can do it on icea night before holidaya little piece of snowwhere presents are putis a symbol of new yearis a symbol of christmaswe can lit it in darknessan extremely cold weathera "fruit" of christmas treewhite and red caramel sweets...

New Year 2024-12-19

New Year crossword puzzle
  1. Instruments that ring joyfully during the Christmas season.
  2. A song sung during Christmas, often about joy and celebration.
  3. A promise to make a positive change in the New Year.
  4. A large sock hung by the fireplace, filled with small gifts.
  5. Animals that pull Santa's sleigh through the snowy skies.
  6. This is what we decorate with lights and ornaments on Christmas.
  7. A large, celebratory meal enjoyed with family and friends.
  8. A jolly man in a red suit who delivers gifts on Christmas Eve.
  9. A creamy drink often enjoyed during Christmas celebrations.
  10. A vehicle Santa uses to travel, pulled by reindeer.
  1. The final seconds before the New Year begins.
  2. A unique, delicate ice crystal falling from the sky in winter.
  3. The exact time when the New Year starts.
  4. A circular decoration made of evergreen branches, hung on doors.
  5. A spiced cookie often shaped like men or houses for Christmas.
  6. A structure on a roof Santa climbs down to deliver gifts.
  7. Surprises wrapped in paper and exchanged during Christmas.
  8. Bright explosions in the sky used to celebrate New Year.
  9. Decorations hung on a Christmas tree, often shiny or colorful.
  10. A small magical helper of Santa Claus.

20 Clues: A small magical helper of Santa Claus.The exact time when the New Year starts.The final seconds before the New Year begins.A vehicle Santa uses to travel, pulled by reindeer.A promise to make a positive change in the New Year.Bright explosions in the sky used to celebrate New Year.A structure on a roof Santa climbs down to deliver gifts....

New year 2024-12-19

New year crossword puzzle
  1. – What can you make shiny tree decorations out of?
  2. – What do people often leave gifts from Santa in?
  3. – What tree is traditionally decorated for the New Year?
  4. – What do you decorate with garlands at the holidays?
  5. – Which hand lights up the sky on New Year's Eve?
  6. – A symbolic decoration for the top of the tree.
  7. – What are the traditional Christmas carols called?
  8. – Musical instruments whose ringing is associated with the holidays.
  9. – ​​What is usually put under the tree?
  10. cane – What sweet symbol of Christmas is shaped like the letter "J"?
  11. – What does Santa Claus ride on?
  12. – A round decoration made of branches and leaves that is hung on the door.
  1. – The name of a gingerbread popular at Christmas.
  2. Claus – Who brings presents to children on New Year's?
  3. – What plant is it customary to kiss under on Christmas?
  4. – A vehicle pulled by reindeer that Santa rides on.
  5. – How can you reduce the temperature on frosty days?
  6. – What is the name of the ice crystal that falls from the sky in winter?
  7. – Santa’s helpers who help him prepare gifts.
  8. – A traditional Christmas dessert in England.
  9. – A long chain for decorations that can be used for decoration.
  10. – A traditional dish on the Christmas table in some countries.
  11. – ​​Small decorative objects that adorn the tree.

23 Clues: – What does Santa Claus ride on?– ​​What is usually put under the tree?– Santa’s helpers who help him prepare gifts.– A traditional Christmas dessert in England.– A symbolic decoration for the top of the tree.– The name of a gingerbread popular at Christmas.– What do people often leave gifts from Santa in?...

New Year 2024-09-27

New Year crossword puzzle
  1. Name for New Year’s Eve in Germany (9)
  2. Common feeling after New Year’s celebrations (8)
  3. Traditional Japanese noodle dish eaten on New Year’s Eve (4)
  4. Pattern worn in the Philippines on New Year’s Eve for prosperity (8)
  5. Ancient civilization that celebrated the new year in spring (7)
  6. Often released into the sky during Asian New Year celebrations (7)
  7. What people often wish for in the coming year (10)
  8. A promise to improve oneself in the coming year (10)
  9. Tradition of being the earliest visitor to someone’s home after midnight (5,4)
  10. "Happy New Year" in Spanish (5,3,5)
  11. ______ Dumpling, traditional Scottish New Year dessert (7)
  12. Fruit traditionally eaten at midnight in Spain for luck (6)
  13. Vietnamese New Year celebration (3)
  14. Iconic event in Times Square on New Year’s Eve (4,4)
  15. Explosive displays often seen on New Year’s Eve (9)
  16. Bubbly drink often used for New Year’s toasts (9)
  17. Small pieces of paper thrown during celebrations (8)
  18. Act done in China before New Year to remove bad luck (8)
  19. Roman god of beginnings, whom January is named after (5)
  1. Long, colourful strips often hung as decorations (9)
  2. Raising a glass to celebrate the New Year (5)
  3. Time when New Year begins (8)
  4. Traditional New Year’s Eve song (4,4,4)
  5. Traditional Mexican dish served during New Year (7)
  6. Celebration held on New Year’s Eve (5)
  7. Oceanic island that ushers in New Year first (8)
  8. Word describing the holiday spirit (7)
  9. Marking the time as midnight approaches (9)
  10. BBC musical New Year program presented by Jools Holland (10)
  11. Fun and noisy celebrations (7)
  12. Explosive device used to celebrate the New Year (11)
  13. Sounds made by bells to mark the New Year (6)
  14. Scottish celebration of New Year’s Eve (8)
  15. Tradition shared at midnight on New Year’s Eve (4)

34 Clues: Time when New Year begins (8)Fun and noisy celebrations (7)"Happy New Year" in Spanish (5,3,5)Vietnamese New Year celebration (3)Name for New Year’s Eve in Germany (9)Celebration held on New Year’s Eve (5)Word describing the holiday spirit (7)Traditional New Year’s Eve song (4,4,4)Scottish celebration of New Year’s Eve (8)...

New Year 2021-12-31

New Year crossword puzzle
  1. - Put your left leg in.... 5,5
  2. - Epahcgman
  3. - Often "at sea" in Weston
  4. - Scottish New Year
  5. - Is this the food of love?
  6. - Iconic garden building in Weston
  7. - For the sake of 4,4,4
  8. - Could be a cold or thrown at a party
  9. - Pull the string to make a noise 5,6
  10. - Exchanged at midnight?
  1. - Foxtrot, tango or waltz?
  2. - Ringing sounds from a clock?
  3. - Hot air transport
  4. - Pilot sang this song
  5. - Not often kept beyond January
  6. - Joey, Phoebe, Ross, Chandler, Rachel,Monica
  7. - First foot gift
  8. - The best medicine of all
  9. - Rhymes with bugs
  10. - Heated bread

20 Clues: - Epahcgman- Heated bread- First foot gift- Rhymes with bugs- Hot air transport- Scottish New Year- Pilot sang this song- For the sake of 4,4,4- Exchanged at midnight?- Foxtrot, tango or waltz?- Often "at sea" in Weston- The best medicine of all- Is this the food of love?- Ringing sounds from a clock?- Put your left leg in.... 5,5...

new year 2024-12-26

new year crossword puzzle
  1. - คอนเสิร์ต
  2. - การตั้งแคมป์
  3. - การอยู่ร่วมกัน
  4. Castle - ปราสาทน้ำแข็ง
  5. - การไตร่ตรอง
  6. - ความอบอุ่น
  7. - ความสามัคคี
  8. Year's Run - การวิ่งต้อนรับปีใหม่
  9. - ความสงบ
  10. - ตลาด
  11. - ความรัก
  1. - กองไฟ
  2. - ความตื่นเต้น
  3. Resort - รีสอร์ตเล่นสกี
  4. - ความกตัญญู
  5. - งานรื่นเริง
  6. - ความสุข
  7. - ขบวนพาเหรด
  8. Wonderland - ดินแดนฤดูหนาว
  9. - ความหวัง

20 Clues: - ตลาด- กองไฟ- ความสุข- ความสงบ- ความรัก- ความหวัง- คอนเสิร์ต- ความกตัญญู- ขบวนพาเหรด- ความอบอุ่น- งานรื่นเริง- การไตร่ตรอง- ความสามัคคี- ความตื่นเต้น- การตั้งแคมป์- การอยู่ร่วมกันCastle - ปราสาทน้ำแข็งResort - รีสอร์ตเล่นสกีWonderland - ดินแดนฤดูหนาวYear's Run - การวิ่งต้อนรับปีใหม่

New Year 2024-12-13

New Year crossword puzzle
  1. - "Чтоб в .... жить как в крепости"
  2. запрещено есть Валентину в китайке
  3. как-то раз лиза смачно в сауне...
  4. - невероятное блюдо от Валетина
  5. Валя говорит: "А...?" и ножками трясет
  6. самый лучший онлайн магазин для Лизы
  7. "Да что же это тако!?"
  8. новая партия их для новых гостей
  9. - как Лиза называет Валю
  10. спецоперация-слежка Валетина и Елизавета по возврату машины
  11. - секртеное слово, хмуруюсь когда слишком много
  1. нельзя играть в эту игру вдвоем
  2. два... никого не трогают
  3. - "он опять с какими-то бумажными..."
  4. -любимая игрушка Вали
  5. твоя национальность
  6. - Лиза не умеет это готовить
  7. -любимое блюдо из Амстердама
  8. - Лизе нельзя трогать дома
  9. парень, которого Лиза уже не может слушать
  10. - священное место в доме

21 Clues: твоя национальность-любимая игрушка Вали"Да что же это тако!?"два... никого не трогают- священное место в доме- как Лиза называет Валю- Лизе нельзя трогать дома- Лиза не умеет это готовить-любимое блюдо из Амстердаманельзя играть в эту игру вдвоем- невероятное блюдо от Валетинановая партия их для новых гостейкак-то раз лиза смачно в сауне......

New Year 2023-01-04

New Year crossword puzzle
  1. Another word for "moon"
  2. Where do people in Germany leave food after midnight?
  3. Name of the island that is the last place in the world to celebrate the new year.
  4. Japanese do this when the new year begins.
  5. Hane
  6. Name of the island where New Year "strikes" first.
  7. Rotte
  8. Synonym for "a long life"
  9. Drage
  1. Pave
  2. In which country do many people start the new year by swimming in cold water?
  3. Important item in Chinese parades.
  4. "Et nytårsforsæt" is in english "A New Year .....?
  5. Having or showing behaviour that is respectful and considerate of other people
  6. sladder
  7. Får
  8. A person who wants everything to be in order, to be correct.
  9. Fabric used for dragons
  10. What they eat in Spain for each stroke at midnight.

19 Clues: FårPaveHaneRotteDragesladderAnother word for "moon"Fabric used for dragonsSynonym for "a long life"Important item in Chinese parades.Japanese do this when the new year begins."Et nytårsforsæt" is in english "A New Year .....?Name of the island where New Year "strikes" first.What they eat in Spain for each stroke at midnight....

new year 2024-12-30

new year crossword puzzle
  1. - The first month of the year.
  2. - A promise to improve oneself in the coming year.
  3. - The traditional song sung at midnight.
  4. - Small pieces of paper thrown in the air during parties.
  5. - A shout of joy for the occasion.
  6. - Looking back on the past year.
  7. - Something to strive for in the new year.
  8. - A gesture of raising glasses to mark the occasion.
  9. - The celebration marking the end of December.
  1. - The seconds leading to the New Year.
  2. - Explosive displays lighting up the sky.
  3. - A gathering of people to enjoy the event together.
  4. - The time when the New Year officially begins.
  5. - A feeling of expectation for a better future.
  6. - The reverse sequence leading to midnight.
  7. - Festivities to mark the start of a new year.
  8. - A chart displaying months and days.
  9. - A handheld firework used during celebrations.
  10. - The device that strikes midnight.
  11. - A day of festivity and no work

20 Clues: - The first month of the year.- A day of festivity and no work- Looking back on the past year.- A shout of joy for the occasion.- The device that strikes midnight.- A chart displaying months and days.- The seconds leading to the New Year.- The traditional song sung at midnight.- Explosive displays lighting up the sky....

new year 2022-01-21

new year crossword puzzle
  1. to use physical force to try to defeat another person or group of people
  2. to become or to make something become smaller in size, amount, degree, importance, etc.
  3. look at words or symbols and understand what they
  4. a game, competition, or activity needing physical effort and skill that is played or done according to rules, for enjoyment and/or as a job
  5. to have something or someone taken away from you
  6. to collect and treat used objects and materials that are ready to be thrown out in order to produce materials that can be used again.
  7. to take part in a game or other organized activity
  8. the condition or quality of having everything ordered and arranged in the right place
  9. used with another verb to form questions and negative sentences, including negative orders, and sometimes in affirmative sentences for reasons of style
  1. the feeling of being happy
  2. a group of people who care about each other because they have a close relationship or shared interests
  3. work that teachers give their students to do at home
  4. to give money as a payment for something
  5. Something that is missing cannot be found because it is not where it should be
  6. to take part in or become involved in an activity
  7. to move along by putting one foot in front of the other, allowing each foot to touch the ground before lifting the next
  8. the resting state in which the body is not active and the mind is unconscious
  9. to put or take food into the mouth, chew it (= crush it with the teeth), and swallow it
  10. to learn about a subject, especially in an educational course or by reading books

19 Clues: the feeling of being happyto give money as a payment for somethingto have something or someone taken away from youto take part in or become involved in an activitylook at words or symbols and understand what theyto take part in a game or other organized activitywork that teachers give their students to do at home...

New Year 2024-01-08

New Year crossword puzzle
  1. What you have when you're having a good time
  2. At this time of year, this is especially good
  3. An event with food and drink, games, music, dancing, etc.
  4. Not the beginning
  5. You hear these at midnight on New Year's Eve in Europe but not in the USA.
  6. Another word for 'start'
  7. The promises you make for the new year to make your life better
  8. The place in New York where a big New Year's celebration is
  9. The things you do the same way every year
  10. The first day of the year
  11. A popular entertainment at this time of year
  12. The day before New Year's Day
  1. The Americans love this at parties and celebrations
  2. A popular song the British and the Americans sing on New Year's Day.
  3. This document shows you the months and the days
  4. This is a party or a special event to remember a special date or time
  5. They are loud and you love them or hate them, but they are beautiful!
  6. A popular drink at New Year's
  7. When you raise your glass and say nice things to somebody. It is a noun or a verb.

19 Clues: Not the beginningAnother word for 'start'The first day of the yearA popular drink at New Year'sThe day before New Year's DayThe things you do the same way every yearWhat you have when you're having a good timeA popular entertainment at this time of yearAt this time of year, this is especially goodThis document shows you the months and the days...

New Year 2022-01-11

New Year crossword puzzle
  1. What you have when you're having a good time
  2. At this time of year, this is especially good
  3. An event with food and drink, games, music, dancing, etc.
  4. Not the beginning
  5. You hear these at midnight on New Year's Eve in Europe but not in the USA.
  6. Another word for 'start'
  7. The promises you make for the new year to make your life better
  8. The place in New York where a big New Year's celebration is
  9. The things you do the same way every year
  10. The first day of the year
  11. A popular entertainment at this time of year
  12. The day before New Year's Day
  1. The Americans love this at parties and celebrations
  2. A popular song the British and the Americans sing on New Year's Day.
  3. This document shows you the months and the days
  4. This is a party or a special event to remember a special date or time
  5. They are loud and you love them or hate them, but they are beautiful!
  6. A popular drink at New Year's
  7. When you raise your glass and say nice things to somebody. It is a noun or a verb.

19 Clues: Not the beginningAnother word for 'start'The first day of the yearA popular drink at New Year'sThe day before New Year's DayThe things you do the same way every yearWhat you have when you're having a good timeA popular entertainment at this time of yearAt this time of year, this is especially goodThis document shows you the months and the days...

new year 2022-12-28

new year crossword puzzle
  1. someone who does their promise
  2. promising to do something
  3. a large area chosen for a party
  4. a very "grand" large party
  5. a international celebration from december 31st to January 1st
  6. the things you do
  7. bright colorful explosions for celebrations
  8. very luxurious, very big. "extra"
  9. something happening yearly
  10. new year event where the ball touches the ground at exactly the new year
  11. to wish someone to be strong and health for the new year
  12. drunk
  1. to have a party
  2. new years promise
  3. new beginning
  4. a little weird/different
  5. very tired
  6. celebrating by going 100%

18 Clues: drunkvery tirednew beginningto have a partynew years promisethe things you doa little weird/differentpromising to do somethingcelebrating by going 100%a very "grand" large partysomething happening yearlysomeone who does their promisea large area chosen for a partyvery luxurious, very big. "extra"bright colorful explosions for celebrations...

New Year 2023-01-24

New Year crossword puzzle
  1. countdown
  2. horn
  3. dance
  4. mask
  5. party-hat
  6. music
  7. balloon
  8. glasses
  9. january
  10. midnight
  1. confetti
  2. december
  3. fireworks
  4. hourglass
  5. calendar
  6. decorations
  7. party
  8. firecracker

18 Clues: hornmaskdancemusicpartyballoonglassesjanuaryconfettidecembercalendarmidnightcountdownfireworksparty-hathourglassdecorationsfirecracker

new 2 2024-12-18

new 2 crossword puzzle
  1. – Referring to the calendar system marking January 1st as New Year.
  2. – Pertaining to the moon, tied to Lunar New Year traditions.
  3. – Luxurious indulgence, often associated with extravagant New Year parties.
  4. – The final seconds marked before the New Year begins.
  5. – A hopeful attitude for a positive and successful New Year.
  6. – A handheld firework that emits bright, sparkling lights.
  7. – Joyful and celebratory activities marking the New Year.
  8. – An intense feeling of joy and excitement at the New Year.
  9. – To eagerly await the arrival of the New Year.
  10. – The person leading toasts and speeches at New Year events.
  11. – Long-standing practices like resolutions or midnight toasts.
  12. – Noisy and lively festivities to welcome the New Year.
  1. – The process of starting fresh with the beginning of the New Year.
  2. – A state of plenty, often wished for in the New Year.
  3. – A long-standing custom observed during New Year celebrations.
  4. – A feeling of great joy and excitement during the New Year.
  5. – A percussion instrument used to create noise during New Year celebrations.
  6. – Reflecting on past actions as part of setting New Year resolutions.
  7. – A wish for wealth and success in the coming year.
  8. – A person actively participating in New Year festivities.
  9. – The sparkling beverage often used to toast the New Year.
  10. – Decorative ribbons used to adorn New Year’s Eve parties.
  11. – A loud and showy celebration for New Year’s Eve.
  12. Drop – The iconic event in Times Square marking the start of the New Year.
  13. – A solemn promise often made as part of a New Year resolution.

25 Clues: – To eagerly await the arrival of the New Year.– A loud and showy celebration for New Year’s Eve.– A wish for wealth and success in the coming year.– A state of plenty, often wished for in the New Year.– The final seconds marked before the New Year begins.– Noisy and lively festivities to welcome the New Year....

NEW YEAR 2024-12-16

NEW YEAR crossword puzzle
  1. Color papers cut in little pieces
  2. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...0
  3. Liquid you drink to celebrate on New Year
  4. Things that explode and some are banned(prohibited)
  5. Round thing you fill with air
  6. what you do when under a mistletoe with another person
  7. Let's go to a...
  8. Contains all the months and days of the year
  9. sinonym of night
  1. In with the new...
  2. Month when we celebrate New Year and Christmas
  3. first month of the year
  4. At 12 o'clock is...
  5. Stick you grab and sostain and where some color lights come out
  6. Free day in the calendar
  7. 12 months make one...
  8. Word you say before you drink on New Year

17 Clues: Let's go to a...sinonym of nightIn with the new...At 12 o'clock is...12 months make one...first month of the yearFree day in the calendarRound thing you fill with airColor papers cut in little pieces10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...0Liquid you drink to celebrate on New YearWord you say before you drink on New Year...

NEW YEAR 2013-12-28

NEW YEAR crossword puzzle
  1. Color papers cut in little pieces
  2. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...0
  3. Liquid you drink to celebrate on New Year
  4. Things that explode and some are banned(prohibited)
  5. Round thing you fill with air
  6. what you do when under a mistletoe with another person
  7. Let's go to a...
  8. Contains all the months and days of the year
  9. sinonym of night
  1. In with the new...
  2. Month when we celebrate New Year and Christmas
  3. first month of the year
  4. At 12 o'clock is...
  5. Stick you grab and sostain and where some color lights come out
  6. Free day in the calendar
  7. 12 months make one...
  8. Word you say before you drink on New Year

17 Clues: Let's go to a...sinonym of nightIn with the new...At 12 o'clock is...12 months make one...first month of the yearFree day in the calendarRound thing you fill with airColor papers cut in little pieces10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...0Liquid you drink to celebrate on New YearWord you say before you drink on New Year...

New Year 2024-01-05

New Year crossword puzzle
  1. A system of organizing and measuring time, often with days, weeks, and months.
  2. Explosive devices producing bright, colorful displays in the sky, often used in celebrations.
  3. A traditional Chinese dance involving a dragon puppet, performed during festivals and celebrations.
  4. A decorative light source often used in celebrations and festivals, including Lunar New Year.
  5. Holiday known as Tet in Vietnam
  6. A monetary gift given during holidays or for special occasions such as weddings, graduations, and birthgiving; often called Hongbao or angpow
  7. This year in the Chinese zodiac is associated with one animals in a 12-year cycle.
  8. The counting backward, typically in seconds, to indicate the time remaining before an event.
  9. The time at which the New Year is celebrated
  1. A custom or belief passed down from generation to generation.
  2. A common expression of goodwill and enthusiasm, often used when toasting.
  3. The tradition of lowering a large illuminated ball to mark the passage of time, especially on New Year's Eve.
  4. To acknowledge and show appreciation for a significant event by engaging in festivities or activities.
  5. Small explosive devices that produce a burst of noise and are often used in celebrations, including Lunar New Year.
  6. The first month of the year in the Gregorian calendar.
  7. Good luck and prosperity.
  8. The celebration of a festival or event with joyful and lively activities.

17 Clues: Good luck and prosperity.Holiday known as Tet in VietnamThe time at which the New Year is celebratedThe first month of the year in the Gregorian calendar.A custom or belief passed down from generation to generation.A common expression of goodwill and enthusiasm, often used when toasting....

New Years 2024-01-01

New Years crossword puzzle
  1. A joyful occasion marking the start of a new year
  2. Device that shows the remaining time until the new year
  3. Pyrotechnic displays often used to ring in the new year
  4. A rose variety that blooms in the colder season, symbolizing new beginnings
  5. January 1st, the first day of the new year
  6. NYC location known for its grand new year's celebration
  7. Small pieces of paper thrown in celebration
  8. Traditional song sung as the new year begins
  1. Promises people make to themselves for improvement in the new year
  2. A festive gathering to celebrate the coming of the new year
  3. Iconic event in Time's Square to mark the end of the year
  4. Festive procession often occurring on New Year's Day
  5. Bubbly wine traditionally toasted with at midnight
  6. The first person to enter a home in the new year, bringing luck
  7. A special meal prepared to celebrate New Year's Eve
  8. The evening before the first day of the new year
  9. Famous football game played on New Year's Day
  10. Backward counting to signal the start of the new year
  11. The exact moment one year ends and another begins
  12. Raising of glasses to celebrate the new year

20 Clues: January 1st, the first day of the new yearSmall pieces of paper thrown in celebrationRaising of glasses to celebrate the new yearTraditional song sung as the new year beginsFamous football game played on New Year's DayThe evening before the first day of the new yearA joyful occasion marking the start of a new year...

New Years 2023-09-19

New Years crossword puzzle
  1. A joyful occasion marking the start of a new year
  2. Device that shows the remaining time until the new year
  3. Pyrotechnic displays often used to ring in the new year
  4. A rose variety that blooms in the colder season, symbolizing new beginnings
  5. January 1st, the first day of the new year
  6. NYC location known for its grand new year's celebration
  7. Small pieces of paper thrown in celebration
  8. Traditional song sung as the new year begins
  1. Promises people make to themselves for improvement in the new year
  2. A festive gathering to celebrate the coming of the new year
  3. Iconic event in Time's Square to mark the end of the year
  4. Festive procession often occurring on New Year's Day
  5. Bubbly wine traditionally toasted with at midnight
  6. The first person to enter a home in the new year, bringing luck
  7. A special meal prepared to celebrate New Year's Eve
  8. The evening before the first day of the new year
  9. Famous football game played on New Year's Day
  10. Backward counting to signal the start of the new year
  11. The exact moment one year ends and another begins
  12. Raising of glasses to celebrate the new year

20 Clues: January 1st, the first day of the new yearSmall pieces of paper thrown in celebrationRaising of glasses to celebrate the new yearTraditional song sung as the new year beginsFamous football game played on New Year's DayThe evening before the first day of the new yearA joyful occasion marking the start of a new year...

New Years 2024-11-29

New Years crossword puzzle
  1. A joyful occasion marking the start of a new year
  2. Device that shows the remaining time until the new year
  3. Pyrotechnic displays often used to ring in the new year
  4. A rose variety that blooms in the colder season, symbolizing new beginnings
  5. January 1st, the first day of the new year
  6. NYC location known for its grand new year's celebration
  7. Small pieces of paper thrown in celebration
  8. Traditional song sung as the new year begins
  1. Promises people make to themselves for improvement in the new year
  2. A festive gathering to celebrate the coming of the new year
  3. Iconic event in Time's Square to mark the end of the year
  4. Festive procession often occurring on New Year's Day
  5. Bubbly wine traditionally toasted with at midnight
  6. The first person to enter a home in the new year, bringing luck
  7. A special meal prepared to celebrate New Year's Eve
  8. The evening before the first day of the new year
  9. Famous football game played on New Year's Day
  10. Backward counting to signal the start of the new year
  11. The exact moment one year ends and another begins
  12. Raising of glasses to celebrate the new year

20 Clues: January 1st, the first day of the new yearSmall pieces of paper thrown in celebrationRaising of glasses to celebrate the new yearTraditional song sung as the new year beginsFamous football game played on New Year's DayThe evening before the first day of the new yearA joyful occasion marking the start of a new year...

New Years Crossword 2025-01-04

New Years Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A joyful occasion marking the start of a new year
  2. Device that shows the remaining time until the new year
  3. Pyrotechnic displays often used to ring in the new year
  4. A rose variety that blooms in the colder season, symbolizing new beginnings
  5. January 1st, the first day of the new year
  6. NYC location known for its grand new year's celebration
  7. Small pieces of paper thrown in celebration
  8. Traditional song sung as the new year begins
  1. Promises people make to themselves for improvement in the new year
  2. A festive gathering to celebrate the coming of the new year
  3. Iconic event in Time's Square to mark the end of the year
  4. Festive procession often occurring on New Year's Day
  5. Bubbly wine traditionally toasted with at midnight
  6. The first person to enter a home in the new year, bringing luck
  7. A special meal prepared to celebrate New Year's Eve
  8. The evening before the first day of the new year
  9. Famous football game played on New Year's Day
  10. Backward counting to signal the start of the new year
  11. The exact moment one year ends and another begins
  12. Raising of glasses to celebrate the new year

20 Clues: January 1st, the first day of the new yearSmall pieces of paper thrown in celebrationRaising of glasses to celebrate the new yearTraditional song sung as the new year beginsFamous football game played on New Year's DayThe evening before the first day of the new yearA joyful occasion marking the start of a new year...

New Year 2022-11-21

New Year crossword puzzle
  1. You countdown the ___________
  2. Some families use this time to go on ________
  3. Hand held fireworks
  4. Fill them with helium and let them go
  5. Where the big New Year's celebration happens in New York
  6. You stay up until__________
  7. The things you do the same way every year
  1. Another word for 'start'
  2. Thrown in the air at parties
  3. The first day of the year
  4. The promises you make for the new year
  5. A popular drink at New Year's
  6. Loud, colorful display in the sky
  7. This shows you the months and the days
  8. When you raise your glass; brown bread
  9. You play these on a board

16 Clues: Hand held fireworksAnother word for 'start'The first day of the yearYou play these on a boardYou stay up until__________Thrown in the air at partiesYou countdown the ___________A popular drink at New Year'sLoud, colorful display in the skyFill them with helium and let them goThe promises you make for the new year...

New Year's Crossword Puzzle 2025-01-07

New Year's Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Promises people make to themselves for improvement in the new year.
  2. A special meal prepared to celebrate New Year's Eve.
  3. Bubbly wine traditionally toasted with at midnight.
  4. Pyrotechnic displays often used to ring in the new year.
  5. Small pieces of paper thrown in celebration.
  6. A rose variety that blooms in the colder season, symbolizing new beginnings.
  7. NYC location known for its grand new year's celebration.
  8. Device that shows the remaining time until the new year.
  9. A festive gathering to celebrate the coming of the new year.
  10. The evening before the first day of the new year.
  1. January 1st, the first day of the new year.
  2. The exact moment one year ends and another begins.
  3. Traditional song sung as the new year begins.
  4. Festive procession often occurring on New Year's Day.
  5. A joyful occasion marking the start of a new year.
  6. Backward counting to signal the start of the new year.
  7. The first person to enter a home in the new year, bringing luck.
  8. Iconic event in Time's Square to mark the end of the year.
  9. Famous football game played on New Year's Day.
  10. Raising of glasses to celebrate the new year.

20 Clues: January 1st, the first day of the new year.Small pieces of paper thrown in celebration.Traditional song sung as the new year begins.Raising of glasses to celebrate the new year.Famous football game played on New Year's Day.The evening before the first day of the new year.The exact moment one year ends and another begins....

new 3 2024-12-18

new 3 crossword puzzle
  1. – Exceptionally pleasing to taste or smell, like the food served at New Year feasts.
  2. – The process of emotional cleansing, often associated with New Year reflection.
  3. – The Scottish celebration of New Year’s Eve.
  4. – A splendid display, like the grandeur of New Year festivities.
  5. – Peace or harmony, often a wish for the New Year.
  6. – A surprising realization or insight gained during New Year reflection.
  7. – The occurrence of happy or beneficial events by chance.
  8. – A prayer or plea, often used to ask for blessings in the New Year.
  9. – A table or calendar showing astronomical data, significant in some New Year customs.
  10. – The spirit or mood of a particular time, often reflecting the New Year’s themes.
  11. – Relating to or based on long-standing traditions.
  12. – The quality of happening by chance, often describing luck in the New Year.
  13. – A blessing, often given at religious New Year services.
  14. – Promising success or good fortune for the New Year.
  15. – An offering or gift, symbolically given to mark the New Year.
  1. – An archaic term for Christmas or the midwinter season, often tied to New Year rituals.
  2. – Beliefs about luck or omens often observed during New Year.
  3. – To surrender or give in, symbolizing abandoning the old and welcoming the new.
  4. – A large and destructive fire, sometimes symbolic of burning the old to welcome the new.
  5. – Adorned with decorations, describing homes or streets during New Year celebrations.
  6. – Overly enthusiastic or ecstatic, often describing New Year celebrations.
  7. – The fizz and sparkle of drinks like champagne, representing joy and energy.
  8. – Shining brilliantly, describing dazzling New Year decorations or fireworks.
  9. – The act of remembering or honoring past events at the start of a new year.
  10. – An omen or sign predicting what the New Year will bring.
  11. – The act of lighting up, often symbolized by fireworks or candles during New Year.
  12. – The act of stopping something, symbolizing an end to bad habits in the New Year.
  13. – A celestial event that marks a new season, tied to some New Year traditions.
  14. – A release or freedom, symbolizing letting go of past burdens for the New Year.
  15. – A term for something or someone newly one year old.

30 Clues: – The Scottish celebration of New Year’s Eve.– Peace or harmony, often a wish for the New Year.– Relating to or based on long-standing traditions.– A term for something or someone newly one year old.– Promising success or good fortune for the New Year.– The occurrence of happy or beneficial events by chance....

new year 2020-12-16

new year crossword puzzle
  1. this is the ... day of the year
  2. we drink an bubbly drink at midnight
  3. you close the ... year
  4. you ... a new year
  5. it's time for a new ...
  6. it is the beginning and end of a ...
  7. the last month of the year
  8. some people pop a ... canon at midnight
  1. you ... your family for New Year's Day
  2. we ... the bad spirits
  3. you ... to a happy new year
  4. at midnight you make a ...
  5. the first month of the year
  6. everyone is ... on New Year's Day
  7. this is the ... day of the year
  8. you wish ... you love a happy new year
  9. you see it at midnight

17 Clues: you ... a new yearwe ... the bad spiritsyou close the ... yearyou see it at midnightit's time for a new midnight you make a ...the last month of the yearyou ... to a happy new yearthe first month of the yearthis is the ... day of the yearthis is the ... day of the yeareveryone is ... on New Year's Daywe drink an bubbly drink at midnight...

new year 2020-12-16

new year crossword puzzle
  1. this is the ... day of the year
  2. we drink an bubbly drink at midnight
  3. you close the ... year
  4. you ... a new year
  5. it's time for a new ...
  6. it is the beginning and end of a ...
  7. the last month of the year
  8. some people pop a ... canon at midnight
  1. you ... your family for New Year's Day
  2. we ... the bad spirits
  3. you ... to a happy new year
  4. at midnight you make a ...
  5. the first month of the year
  6. everyone is ... on New Year's Day
  7. this is the ... day of the year
  8. you wish ... that you love a happy new year
  9. you see it at midnight

17 Clues: you ... a new yearwe ... the bad spiritsyou close the ... yearyou see it at midnightit's time for a new midnight you make a ...the last month of the yearyou ... to a happy new yearthe first month of the yearthis is the ... day of the yearthis is the ... day of the yeareveryone is ... on New Year's Daywe drink an bubbly drink at midnight...

New Year 2024-01-02

New Year crossword puzzle
  1. a little piece of snow
  2. day of the month New Year's is on
  3. you can do this on ice
  4. 12:00 A.M.
  5. item that often hangs on a wall and is used to tell the date
  6. 3-letter abbreviation for the city that has a famous New Year's celebration in Times Square celebration in Times Square
  7. light these sticks to celebrate the new year
  8. we can lit it in darkness
  1. small pieces of colored paper dropped on people at New Year's celebration
  2. a promise you make to yourself
  3. wet snow
  4. a gift
  5. there are twelve of these in a year
  6. a storm with snow
  7. month New Year's is in
  8. the night before January 1st is called New Year's __________

16 Clues: a giftwet snow12:00 A.M.a storm with snowa little piece of snowyou can do this on icemonth New Year's is inwe can lit it in darknessa promise you make to yourselfday of the month New Year's is onthere are twelve of these in a yearlight these sticks to celebrate the new yearitem that often hangs on a wall and is used to tell the date...

new year 2024-01-02

new year crossword puzzle
  1. 5,4,3,2,1
  2. opportunity to start over
  3. desired aim
  4. 365 days
  5. a social gathering
  6. a firm decision to do or not to do something
  7. a chart with days, weeks and months
  1. rubber bag inflated with air
  2. a feeling of happiness
  3. Small pieces of colorful paper
  4. opposite of new
  5. day of new year
  6. explosion of bright lights
  7. a feeling of expectation
  8. 12'oclock at night
  9. the period of time immediately before an occasion

16 Clues: 365 days5,4,3,2,1desired aimopposite of newday of new year12'oclock at nighta social gatheringa feeling of happinessa feeling of expectationopportunity to start overexplosion of bright lightsrubber bag inflated with airSmall pieces of colorful papera chart with days, weeks and monthsa firm decision to do or not to do something...

New Year 2022-01-12

New Year crossword puzzle
  1. A big clock in London that signals the start of the new year in the UK
  2. device that measure the passing of time
  3. large celebration in the streets
  4. City with a large New Year's celebration
  5. small firework
  6. A promise to do something in the new year
  7. Twelve o' clock at night
  8. celebration with friends and family
  1. You eat 12 of these at 12am
  2. The amount of grapes that you eat
  3. inflatable decorations for parties.
  4. A small explosive that produces bright colors that people use a celebrations
  5. A white wine with bubbles in it that is drunk a celebrations
  6. Small pieces of colored paper that are thrown in the air during certain celebrations
  7. To count backwards (from a higher number to a lower one) to the start of a specific event
  8. The first month of the year

16 Clues: small fireworkTwelve o' clock at nightYou eat 12 of these at 12amThe first month of the yearlarge celebration in the streetsThe amount of grapes that you eatinflatable decorations for parties.celebration with friends and familydevice that measure the passing of timeCity with a large New Year's celebrationA promise to do something in the new year...

new year 2020-12-16

new year crossword puzzle
  1. this is the ... day of the year
  2. we drink an bubbly drink at midnight
  3. you close the ... year
  4. you ... a new year
  5. it's time for a new ...
  6. it is the beginning and end of a ...
  7. the last month of the year
  8. some people pop a ... canon at midnight
  1. you ... your family for New Year's Day
  2. we ... the bad spirits
  3. you ... to a happy new year
  4. at midnight you make a ...
  5. the first month of the year
  6. everyone is ... on New Year's Day
  7. this is the ... day of the year
  8. you wish ... you love a happy new year
  9. you see it at midnight

17 Clues: you ... a new yearwe ... the bad spiritsyou close the ... yearyou see it at midnightit's time for a new midnight you make a ...the last month of the yearyou ... to a happy new yearthe first month of the yearthis is the ... day of the yearthis is the ... day of the yeareveryone is ... on New Year's Daywe drink an bubbly drink at midnight...

new year 2020-12-16

new year crossword puzzle
  1. this is the ... day of the year
  2. we drink an bubbly drink at midnight
  3. you close the ... year
  4. you ... a new year
  5. it's time for a new ...
  6. it is the beginning and end of a ...
  7. the last month of the year
  8. some people pop a ... canon at midnight
  1. you ... your family for New Year's Day
  2. we ... the bad spirits
  3. you ... to a happy new year
  4. at midnight you make a ...
  5. the first month of the year
  6. everyone is ... on New Year's Day
  7. this is the ... day of the year
  8. you wish ... that you love a happy new year
  9. you see it at midnight

17 Clues: you ... a new yearwe ... the bad spiritsyou close the ... yearyou see it at midnightit's time for a new midnight you make a ...the last month of the yearyou ... to a happy new yearthe first month of the yearthis is the ... day of the yearthis is the ... day of the yeareveryone is ... on New Year's Daywe drink an bubbly drink at midnight...

New Year 2023-12-21

New Year crossword puzzle
  1. symbol of the new year
  2. expressing good wishes
  3. symbol of the old year
  4. the last month of the year
  5. used to chart the days, weeks, and months of the year
  6. small pieces of colored paper
  7. a new year tradition for couples
  8. a firm decision to do or not do something
  1. people do this while celebrating and listening to music
  2. a public procession often including marching bands and floats
  3. the day or period of time immediately before an event or occasion
  4. twelve o'clock at night
  5. a celebration on new year's eve
  6. the first month of the year
  7. a call to a group of people to raise their glasses and drink together in honor of an person, thing, or occasion
  8. paper or plastic tubes that are blown into to make a sound

16 Clues: symbol of the new yearexpressing good wishessymbol of the old yeartwelve o'clock at nightthe last month of the yearthe first month of the yearsmall pieces of colored papera celebration on new year's evea new year tradition for couplesa firm decision to do or not do somethingused to chart the days, weeks, and months of the year...

New Year New Johnson 2023-03-28

New Year New Johnson crossword puzzle
  1. Oldest dog's name
  2. Bride's nickname
  3. number of bridesmaids
  4. Groom's occupation
  5. Bride'soccupation
  6. month he proposed
  7. Where does their honeymoon cruise leave from?
  8. where the bride went to college
  9. Mal's wedding ring shape
  10. How many years have they been official?
  11. Mal's favorite alcoholic drink
  1. where did he propose?
  2. ring bearer
  3. Couple's street name
  4. their favorite restaurant
  5. The middle pup
  6. Grooms middle name
  7. favorite NFL team
  8. Jordan's favorite beer
  9. Youngest dog's name
  10. where the groom went to college

21 Clues: ring bearerThe middle pupBride's nicknameOldest dog's namefavorite NFL teamBride'soccupationmonth he proposedGroom's occupationGrooms middle nameYoungest dog's nameCouple's street namewhere did he propose?number of bridesmaidsJordan's favorite beerMal's wedding ring shapetheir favorite restaurantMal's favorite alcoholic drink...

Chinese new year 2016-02-12

Chinese new year crossword puzzle
  1. Word for good luck.
  2. A traditional dance where dragon costumes are worn.
  3. 12 year cycle where each year has its own animal.
  4. Most important meal of chinese new year.
  5. A dessert eaten on the last day of chinese new year.
  6. A number for prosperity.
  7. A special gift that contains money.
  8. The first animal to finish the zodiac race.
  9. Amount of days in the chinese new year.
  10. The beast that terrorized people in ancient times.
  1. Things you shouldn't do during chinese new year.
  2. Explosives used during chinese new year.
  3. Made the race that chose the zodiac animals.
  4. One of the most important foods eaten during chinese new year in northern china.
  5. Festival on the last day of chinese new year.
  6. Lucky color of chinese new year.
  7. One of the important foods eaten during the family reunion dinner.
  8. Animal for the year 2016.
  9. A traditional dance where lion costumes are worn.
  10. Hung outside doors during chinese new year.

20 Clues: Word for good luck.A number for prosperity.Animal for the year 2016.Lucky color of chinese new year.A special gift that contains money.Amount of days in the chinese new year.Explosives used during chinese new year.Most important meal of chinese new year.Hung outside doors during chinese new year.The first animal to finish the zodiac race....

New Year, New Me 2022-08-30

New Year, New Me crossword puzzle
  1. Penalty
  2. With bagel and lox
  3. Ornery
  4. “Turn it up”
  5. Starcrossed lover
  6. Need to crack a few eggs to make
  7. Relish
  8. Doesn’t like pictures
  9. Mac’s media player
  10. Sumo citrus
  11. What is Never odd or eveN
  12. Country in Asia
  13. Quaker made
  14. Course Catalog so to speak
  15. Wyatt Earp, John Hicks & Adams William Barclay “Bat” Masterson to name a few
  16. Summer treat
  17. Actress Ryan
  18. Bygone Business
  19. Kitchen tool
  1. Door greeter
  2. Forecaster
  3. Freshmen
  4. ____ and tragedy
  5. If you’re going to Graceland
  6. Fingerprint or retinal scans
  7. Chili canners
  8. Nine to five
  9. Plant in ginger family
  10. Greek Goddess
  11. Sleep supporter
  12. Pavement breaker
  13. Another name for a timpani
  14. Timon of the Lion King
  15. Dental coat
  16. Anouk of cinema
  17. Top of a wall
  18. Over the top theatre

37 Clues: OrneryRelishPenaltyFreshmenForecasterSumo citrusDental coatQuaker madeDoor greeterNine to five“Turn it up”Summer treatActress RyanKitchen toolChili cannersGreek GoddessTop of a wallSleep supporterCountry in AsiaAnouk of cinemaBygone Business____ and tragedyPavement breakerStarcrossed loverWith bagel and loxMac’s media playerOver the top theatre...

New Year, New You 2024-12-16

New Year, New You crossword puzzle
  1. Checking off each goal helps you track these.
  2. Try new things, new foods, new experiences! Be brave!
  3. Being open to getting better, stronger, smarter.
  4. Just try to be nice to everyone!
  5. Drink more water!
  6. It's a great time to give away things you don't need.
  7. Seeking this in our lives is mentally healthy.
  8. Making these stronger is good for our social connection!
  9. Travel to new places AND your favorite happy place.
  10. If you do this, you can achieve your resolutions!
  11. Put down your phone and be with your family!
  12. Putting you and your needs first.
  13. What people make and then break at New Year's.
  14. The song people sing on New Year's.
  15. Learning something new is very good for brain health.
  16. A common resolution that makes people join gyms.
  1. Helping others without getting paid for it.
  2. People practice this to be more aware of their choices.
  3. Looking on the bright side.
  4. What we try to be by changing our diets.
  5. My favorite resolution for you! (Books books books!)
  6. There's no need to carry old arguments into the new year!
  7. The time we say goodbye to the old and hello to the new.
  8. A place for everything and everything in its place.
  9. Anytime you do something for others, you are being ________.
  10. Something to have with yourself and your siblings!
  11. An earlier one will help you meet your sleep goal.
  12. This resolution can help you communicate with more people! (2 words)
  13. Adults are more likely to make this resolution than young people
  14. Making this a daily practice can reduce stress.

30 Clues: Drink more water!Looking on the bright side.Just try to be nice to everyone!Putting you and your needs first.The song people sing on New Year's.What we try to be by changing our diets.Helping others without getting paid for it.Put down your phone and be with your family!Checking off each goal helps you track these....

New Year 2019-12-27

New Year crossword puzzle
  1. The place of the first ball drop in 1907
  2. The stone that is NOT mined underground
  3. The biggest event for Wast Management
  4. Perfect vision
  5. Marilyn Monore took a bath in it
  6. By Jan 25th 25% have given up on their
  7. Permanent host of New Years Rockin Eve
  8. A touch with the lips as a sign of love
  1. Phoenix auto show every January
  2. Named from the Roman god Janus
  3. Sport started in Norway
  4. Beginning of the calendar
  5. A ritual in which a drink is taken as an expression of goodwill
  6. Handheld firework
  7. It has approximately 200 snow crystals

15 Clues: Perfect visionHandheld fireworkSport started in NorwayBeginning of the calendarNamed from the Roman god JanusPhoenix auto show every JanuaryMarilyn Monore took a bath in itThe biggest event for Wast ManagementIt has approximately 200 snow crystalsBy Jan 25th 25% have given up on theirPermanent host of New Years Rockin Eve...

New Year 2022-12-29

New Year crossword puzzle
  1. Opposite of misfortunate
  2. A card asking you to come
  3. You blow air into them
  4. It has bubbles
  5. Decorations
  6. Lights up inside the house
  7. When lips meet
  8. The travel at high speed
  9. When the new year begins
  1. Colorful drinks
  2. Small and colorful
  3. They light up the sky
  4. A lot of people gathered in one place
  5. Two glasses meet and you say...
  6. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

15 Clues: Decorations5, 4, 3, 2, 1It has bubblesWhen lips meetColorful drinksSmall and colorfulThey light up the skyYou blow air into themOpposite of misfortunateThe travel at high speedWhen the new year beginsA card asking you to comeLights up inside the houseTwo glasses meet and you say...A lot of people gathered in one place

New Year, New Mass 2023-01-13

New Year, New Mass crossword puzzle
  1. handheld version of 21 down
  2. Resolution: be still 🧘‍♂️
  3. Resolution: make resolutions next year 🗓
  4. soccer score
  5. Resolution: get stronger 💪
  6. good times activity
  7. Resolution: stop procrastinating ⏳ (submitted late)
  8. time for a snack, perhaps
  9. forgotten by February
  10. political group
  11. age of 2000 babies
  12. New Years Day, for one
  13. Resolution: committing to getting my book published 📕
  14. good fortune
  1. The time of one's life?
  2. Sound post-toast
  3. bubbly
  4. last page?
  5. page one?
  6. Learn something new: speed skating ⛸
  7. midnight couple's activity
  8. second person
  9. type of thinking
  10. "as good as..."
  11. physics calculation
  12. Resolution: movement—at least 30 mins of movement / exercise a day!! 🤸
  13. Resolution: not a single water chestnut consumed 🤐
  14. flashy midnight display
  15. precedes 25 across
  16. Resolution: get better at painting 🎨
  17. one of the Seven Dwarfs
  18. Resolution: do more exploring 🧭
  19. Resolution: watch less trashy reality tv shows 📺

33 Clues: bubblypage one?last page?soccer scoregood fortunesecond person"as good as..."political groupSound post-toasttype of thinkingprecedes 25 acrossage of 2000 babiesphysics calculationgood times activityforgotten by FebruaryNew Years Day, for oneThe time of one's life?flashy midnight displayone of the Seven DwarfsResolution: be still 🧘‍♂️...

New Year, New Me 2022-08-30

New Year, New Me crossword puzzle
  1. Top of a wall
  2. Relish
  3. Doesn’t like pictures
  4. Ornery
  5. Chili canners
  6. Plant in ginger family
  7. Nine to five
  8. Fingerprint or retinal scans
  9. Country in Asia
  10. Dental coat
  11. Pavement breaker
  12. Forecaster
  13. Penalty
  14. Can’t make one without cracking a few eggs
  15. Course Catalog so to speak
  16. Sleep supporter
  17. What is Never odd or eveN
  18. Mac’s media player
  1. Anouk of cinema
  2. Another name for a timpani
  3. ____ and tragedy
  4. Bygone Business
  5. Greek Goddess
  6. Sumo citrus
  7. Over the top theatre
  8. Door greeter
  9. If you’re going to Graceland
  10. Starcrossed lover
  11. Timon of the Lion King
  12. Summer treat
  13. Kitchen tool
  14. Wyatt Earp John Hicks Adams William Barclay “Bat” Masterson to name a few
  15. “Turn it up”
  16. Quaker made
  17. With bagel and lox
  18. Freshmen

36 Clues: RelishOrneryPenaltyFreshmenForecasterSumo citrusDental coatQuaker madeDoor greeterSummer treatKitchen toolNine to five“Turn it up”Top of a wallGreek GoddessChili cannersAnouk of cinemaBygone BusinessCountry in AsiaSleep supporter____ and tragedyPavement breakerStarcrossed loverWith bagel and loxMac’s media playerOver the top theatre...

New Year New Crossword 2022-12-31

New Year New Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Cotton gin creator Whitney
  2. It's cut before dealing
  3. football
  4. Old Chevy compact
  5. essayist ralph waldo
  6. 1993 film Benny & _____
  7. Bundle of joy
  8. Late English Monarch
  9. Texan Holly
  10. Put on a coat
  11. titular role for streep
  12. Burr who killed Hamilton
  13. Nickname for sufu school
  14. Quaid of Christmas Vacation
  15. colorful name
  16. Picnic spoiler
  1. Magician's words
  2. Bard of the green mountain
  3. Spanish named summer storm
  4. "fade into you" singer star
  5. nerve
  6. common middlename
  7. Bready homestyle entree
  8. Younger Brother Bear
  9. Old garden
  10. girls name from stars
  11. Call it a night
  12. Medical operation
  13. Raven Writer
  14. Oakenshield of Lonely mountain
  15. Van Halen

31 Clues: nervefootballVan HalenOld gardenTexan HollyRaven WriterBundle of joyPut on a coatcolorful namePicnic spoilerCall it a nightMagician's wordscommon middlenameOld Chevy compactMedical operationYounger Brother Bearessayist ralph waldoLate English Monarchgirls name from starsIt's cut before dealingBready homestyle entree1993 film Benny & _____...

new year 2020-12-16

new year crossword puzzle
  1. you are with them
  2. old and...
  3. 3,2...
  4. everybody is it
  5. then comes snow
  6. some people drink it
  7. you have it then
  8. everyone puts them off
  9. the last month of the year
  1. a song from Liam Payne and Alesso
  2. it comes when its winter
  3. you send them
  4. ...turnover you eat them
  5. the first month of the year
  6. you do it then

15 Clues: 3,2...old send themyou do it theneverybody is itthen comes snowyou have it thenyou are with themsome people drink iteveryone puts them offit comes when its winter...turnover you eat themthe last month of the yearthe first month of the yeara song from Liam Payne and Alesso

New Year 2019-12-27

New Year crossword puzzle
  1. The stone that is NOT mined underground
  2. The biggest event for Wast Management
  3. Permanent host of New Years Rockin Eve
  4. Phoenix auto show every January
  5. Sport started in Norway
  6. Beginning of the calendar
  7. Handheld firework
  8. Named from the Roman god Janus
  9. A ritual in which a drink is taken as an expression of goodwill
  1. The place of the first ball drop in 1907
  2. By Jan 25th 25% have given up on their
  3. It has approximately 200 snow crystals
  4. Marilyn Monore took a bath in it
  5. Perfect vision
  6. A touch with the lips as a sign of love

15 Clues: Perfect visionHandheld fireworkSport started in NorwayBeginning of the calendarNamed from the Roman god JanusPhoenix auto show every JanuaryMarilyn Monore took a bath in itThe biggest event for Wast ManagementBy Jan 25th 25% have given up on theirIt has approximately 200 snow crystalsPermanent host of New Years Rockin Eve...

new year 2020-12-16

new year crossword puzzle
  1. this year firework is?
  2. now it is?
  3. what is firework?
  4. when is old years evenening?
  5. you fire thing up in the air on?
  6. you lay it down and light it up than it shoots up.
  7. on new year you eat a lot of ?
  8. you are with your . . . on new year.
  1. you have to use it to light up the fireworks.
  2. The loudests... are the funniest.
  3. you shoot it in the air on new year.
  4. this year you can only invite... people.
  5. after this year it is?
  6. when is new years day?
  7. you can only light cat 1 firework because?

15 Clues: now it is?what is firework?this year firework is?after this year it is?when is new years day?when is old years evenening?on new year you eat a lot of ?you fire thing up in the air on?The loudests... are the shoot it in the air on new are with your . . . on new year.this year you can only invite... people....

new year 2022-04-14

new year crossword puzzle
  1. உங்களை எப்படி பார்க்க முடியும்
  2. கிரகங்களின் மற்றொரு சொல்
  3. நெற்றியில் புள்ளி
  4. 2021 புத்தாண்டு பெயர்
  5. தூள் செய்யப்பட்ட வடிவமைப்பு
  6. ஒரு புதிய ஆண்டின் தொடக்கம்
  7. தமிழ் புத்தாண்டின் முதல் மாதம்
  8. நீங்கள் சாப்பிடும் ஒன்று
  9. 2020 புத்தாண்டு பெயர்
  1. பூவின் பன்மை
  2. விசேஷ நாட்களில் அடிக்கடி சாப்பிடும் இனிப்பு
  3. தமிழில் என்றால் என்ன
  4. புத தாண்டு பெயர்கள் மீண்டும் மீண்டும் வர எத்தனை ஆண்டுகள் ஆகும்
  5. நாம் அனைவரும் பேசும் மொழி
  6. எதிர் காய்கறிகள்

15 Clues: பூவின் பன்மைஎதிர் காய்கறிகள்நெற்றியில் புள்ளிதமிழில் என்றால் என்ன2021 புத்தாண்டு பெயர்2020 புத்தாண்டு பெயர்கிரகங்களின் மற்றொரு சொல்நீங்கள் சாப்பிடும் ஒன்றுநாம் அனைவரும் பேசும் மொழிஒரு புதிய ஆண்டின் தொடக்கம்தூள் செய்யப்பட்ட வடிவமைப்புஉங்களை எப்படி பார்க்க முடியும்தமிழ் புத்தாண்டின் முதல் மாதம்விசேஷ நாட்களில் அடிக்கடி சாப்பிடும் இனிப்பு...

New Year 2019-12-27

New Year crossword puzzle
  1. The place of the first ball drop in 1907
  2. The stone that is NOT mined underground
  3. The biggest event for Wast Management
  4. Perfect vision
  5. Marilyn Monore took a bath in it
  6. By Jan 25th 25% have given up on their
  7. Permanent host of New Years Rockin Eve
  8. A touch with the lips as a sign of love
  1. Phoenix auto show every January
  2. Named from the Roman god Janus
  3. Sport started in Norway
  4. Beginning of the calendar
  5. A ritual in which a drink is taken as an expression of goodwill
  6. Handheld firework
  7. It has approximately 200 snow crystals

15 Clues: Perfect visionHandheld fireworkSport started in NorwayBeginning of the calendarNamed from the Roman god JanusPhoenix auto show every JanuaryMarilyn Monore took a bath in itThe biggest event for Wast ManagementIt has approximately 200 snow crystalsBy Jan 25th 25% have given up on theirPermanent host of New Years Rockin Eve...

New year 2024-12-28

New year crossword puzzle
  1. gatherings thrown on big events
  2. long shiny papers glitter and colorful smoke
  3. it passes doesn't stop and doesn't look back
  4. a type of glass in which it is tradition to drink champagne
  5. fizzy yellow drink drunk on new year's eve
  6. used to keep track of the date
  7. a habit common between everyone in a religion region or country
  8. used as a toast said before clinking glasses
  1. the night before a new year
  2. promises made on new year rarely completed by the next year
  3. loud explosive firework
  4. beautiful explosions like stars in the night sky
  5. the new thing today is a new ...
  6. on 31st December people stay up until...
  7. clock that ticks in reverse until it hits zero

15 Clues: loud explosive fireworkthe night before a new yearused to keep track of the dategatherings thrown on big eventsthe new thing today is a new ...on 31st December people stay up until...fizzy yellow drink drunk on new year's evelong shiny papers glitter and colorful smokeit passes doesn't stop and doesn't look back...

new year 2020-12-16

new year crossword puzzle
  1. this year firework is?
  2. now it is?
  3. what is firework?
  4. when is old years evenening?
  5. you fire thing up in the air on?
  6. you lay it down and light it up than it shoots up.
  7. on new year you eat a lot of ?
  8. you are with your . . . on new year.
  1. you have to use it to light up the fireworks.
  2. The loudests... are the funniest.
  3. you shoot it in the air on new year.
  4. this year you can only invite... people.
  5. after this year it is?
  6. when is new years day?
  7. you can only light cat 1 firework because?

15 Clues: now it is?what is firework?this year firework is?after this year it is?when is new years day?when is old years evenening?on new year you eat a lot of ?you fire thing up in the air on?The loudests... are the shoot it in the air on new are with your . . . on new year.this year you can only invite... people....

new year 2020-12-16

new year crossword puzzle
  1. we drink hot.... milk.
  2. ….. is eaten a lot.
  3. i say …. new year.
  4. wij geven …. aan onze familie en vrienden.
  5. wij hangen ons huis vol met...
  6. we have a lot of … this year.
  7. people ... a lot of choclate.
  8. merry Christmas and a happy new ...
  1. we hear a lot of ...
  2. ik blijf op tot ….
  3. you see a lot of... in the dark.
  4. we drink … with new year.
  5. we celebrate new year's eve with friends and...
  6. we stay up until ….
  7. during the new year i light ….

15 Clues: ik blijf op tot ….i say …. new year.….. is eaten a lot.we stay up until ….we hear a lot of ...we drink hot.... milk.we drink … with new year.we have a lot of … this year.people ... a lot of choclate.wij hangen ons huis vol met...during the new year i light ….you see a lot of... in the dark.merry Christmas and a happy new ......

New Year 2024-12-09

New Year crossword puzzle
  1. what we tell the time on
  2. the day before New Years
  3. a promise made to yourself
  4. out with the old in with the
  5. when does new year arrive
  6. a big get together
  7. a new years
  1. a type of decoration
  2. you will need to replace your
  3. something to listen to
  4. new year new
  5. what do we rely on the know the exact seconds until the new year
  6. this is a major
  7. a way of toasting to someone
  8. another party decoration

15 Clues: a new yearsnew year newthis is a majora big get togethera type of decorationsomething to listen towhat we tell the time onthe day before New Yearsanother party decorationwhen does new year arrivea promise made to yourselfout with the old in with thea way of toasting to someoneyou will need to replace your...

Chinese New Year 2023-01-24

Chinese New Year crossword puzzle
  1. 2023 is the Year of the ________.
  2. The shape of this food looks like a Chinese tael (ancient Chinese money) and consists of meat fillings.
  3. All _______ is done before the celebration to get rid of bad luck from the previous year.
  4. The number of animals in the Chinese zodiac.
  5. This colour symbolises fire and Chinese believe it drives away bad luck.
  6. How many days do Chinese New Year celebrations last?
  7. On the ________ day of the Chinese New Year, everyone turns one year older. Chinese believe all human beings were created on this day.
  8. Presents of money given in red envelopes (in Mandarin).
  9. The first animal in the Chinese Zodiac.
  10. Wearing new ______ signifies a new year.
  1. Chinese New Year is also known as the ____ Festival.
  2. The Chinese have celebrated the New Year for _______ of years.
  3. On Chinese New Year Eve, families gather together to have ________ dinner.
  4. During Chinese New Year, family and friends _______ one another's homes.
  5. The ________ Festival marks the end of Chinese New Year celebrations.
  6. Not allowed on New Year's Day as it would get rid of good fortune.
  7. Chinese New Year is based on the dates of the _____ calendar.
  8. Gong Xi Fa Cai means May You Have Good _________.
  9. Chinese eat this seafood during Chinese New Year to symbolise having 'surplus'.

19 Clues: 2023 is the Year of the ________.The first animal in the Chinese Zodiac.Wearing new ______ signifies a new year.The number of animals in the Chinese zodiac.Gong Xi Fa Cai means May You Have Good _________.Chinese New Year is also known as the ____ Festival.How many days do Chinese New Year celebrations last?...

PC3 CNY 2023 2023-01-16

PC3 CNY 2023 crossword puzzle
  1. One of the most commonly played game during Chinese New Year. (dialect)
  2. Symbolizm of the pearl (rod with a ball) leading a dragon dance.
  3. One of the most common Chinese New Year greetings. (hanyu pinyin)
  4. One of the offerings for Chinese New Year praying. (hanyu pinyin)
  5. Mythical beast that is rumoured to come out once a year to feast on humans and animals. (hanyu pinyin)
  6. This mythical evil spirit is rumoured to appear on Chinese New Year eve to scare sleeping children. (hanyu pinyin)
  7. A special drink for Chinese New Year festival. (hanyu pinyin)
  8. Another name for Chinese New Year. ______ festival.
  9. Households will paste these decorations on door or entrance to house during Chinese New Year.
  10. Chinese New Year ends with this festival, which takes place on the 15th day of the celebration.
  11. Traditional Chinese New Year clothes for females. (hanyu pinyin)
  12. A "long" dish traditionally serve during Chinese New Year and birthday celebrations. (hanyu pinyin)
  1. A type of plant/tree that can be placed at home, symbolizing wealth and good luck.
  2. An example of typical Chinese New Year snacks.
  3. Chinese New Year 2023 is the year of which zodiac animal?
  4. Usually families will gather to have this meal during Chinese New Year eve.
  5. A Chinese New Year appetizer dish. (hanyu pinyin)
  6. This is traditionally use to scare away demons and evil spirits.

18 Clues: An example of typical Chinese New Year snacks.A Chinese New Year appetizer dish. (hanyu pinyin)Another name for Chinese New Year. ______ festival.Chinese New Year 2023 is the year of which zodiac animal?A special drink for Chinese New Year festival. (hanyu pinyin)Symbolizm of the pearl (rod with a ball) leading a dragon dance....

Moors and Chineese New Year 2024-02-26

Moors and Chineese New Year crossword puzzle
  1. - The Alhambra, a famous Moorish palace, is located in _____.
  2. - The Chinese New Year celebration lasts for ____ days.
  3. - The Moors' rule in Spain began in the _____ century.
  4. - Families in China often clean their homes to sweep away _____ luck during Chinese New Year.
  5. - The Chinese New Year tradition of giving red envelopes is called ______.
  6. - The Moors introduced advanced ______ techniques to Spain.
  7. - The Moors' influence on Spanish ______ is characterized by their use of geometric patterns.
  8. - The Alhambra is renowned for its stunning _____ and intricate carvings.
  9. - During Chinese New Year, people exchange red ______ for good luck.
  10. - Chinese New Year celebrations often include traditional _____ performances.
  11. - In Spain, the Moors left a lasting impact on the region of _____.
  12. - The Moors introduced _____ to Spain, a fruit that became popular in Spanish cuisine.
  13. - The Moors brought _______ to Spain, influencing its architecture.
  14. - The Moors significantly influenced Spanish ______ through their rule.
  1. - The Moors are credited with introducing _____ to Spain, influencing the country's agriculture.
  2. - The Moors' rule in Spain ended in the late _____ century.
  3. - Chinese New Year marks the beginning of spring on the _____ calendar.
  4. - Dragon and lion ______ are common during Chinese New Year parades.
  5. - The Chinese New Year animal for 2022 is the _____.
  6. - People wear new clothes during Chinese New Year to symbolize a _____ start.
  7. - The Chinese New Year festival lasts for _____ days.
  8. - The Moors were known for their ______ gardens in Spain.
  9. - The Moors introduced _____ to Spain, influencing its cuisine.
  10. - The traditional Chinese New Year color associated with good luck.
  11. - The Moors are known for their intricate ______ designs in architecture.
  12. - The Moors' architectural influence is visible in the intricate designs of the _______ Palace.
  13. - The Chinese New Year zodiac animal for 2024 is the Year of the _____.
  14. - The Moors made significant contributions to _____, medicine, and philosophy in Spain.
  15. - The Chinese New Year festival ends with the Lantern ______.
  16. - The Moors introduced _____ and algebra to Spain.

30 Clues: - The Moors introduced _____ and algebra to Spain.- The Chinese New Year animal for 2022 is the _____.- The Chinese New Year festival lasts for _____ days.- The Moors' rule in Spain began in the _____ century.- The Chinese New Year celebration lasts for ____ days.- The Moors were known for their ______ gardens in Spain....

Moors and Chineese New Year 2024-02-26

Moors and Chineese New Year crossword puzzle
  1. - The Moors are credited with introducing _____ to Spain, influencing the country's agriculture.
  2. - The Moors introduced advanced ______ techniques to Spain.
  3. - The Moors introduced _____ to Spain, influencing its cuisine.
  4. - The traditional Chinese New Year color associated with good luck.
  5. - In Spain, the Moors left a lasting impact on the region of _____.
  6. - The Chinese New Year festival ends with the Lantern ______.
  7. - The Chinese New Year festival lasts for _____ days.
  8. - The Moors were known for their ______ gardens in Spain.
  9. - The Moors' rule in Spain began in the _____ century.
  10. - The Moors' influence on Spanish ______ is characterized by their use of geometric patterns.
  11. - The Chinese New Year tradition of giving red envelopes is called ______.
  12. - Dragon and lion ______ are common during Chinese New Year parades.
  13. - Chinese New Year marks the beginning of spring on the _____ calendar.
  14. - The Moors introduced _____ to Spain, a fruit that became popular in Spanish cuisine.
  15. - The Moors introduced _____ and algebra to Spain.
  16. - The Alhambra is renowned for its stunning _____ and intricate carvings.
  1. - Chinese New Year celebrations often include traditional _____ performances.
  2. - The Moors brought _______ to Spain, influencing its architecture.
  3. - During Chinese New Year, people exchange red ______ for good luck.
  4. - The Moors' architectural influence is visible in the intricate designs of the _______ Palace.
  5. - The Moors significantly influenced Spanish ______ through their rule.
  6. - The Alhambra, a famous Moorish palace, is located in _____.
  7. - The Chinese New Year celebration lasts for ____ days.
  8. - The Moors' rule in Spain ended in the late _____ century.
  9. - The Chinese New Year zodiac animal for 2024 is the Year of the _____.
  10. - The Moors are known for their intricate ______ designs in architecture.
  11. - The Chinese New Year animal for 2022 is the _____.
  12. - Families in China often clean their homes to sweep away _____ luck during Chinese New Year.
  13. - People wear new clothes during Chinese New Year to symbolize a _____ start.
  14. - The Moors made significant contributions to _____, medicine, and philosophy in Spain.

30 Clues: - The Moors introduced _____ and algebra to Spain.- The Chinese New Year animal for 2022 is the _____.- The Chinese New Year festival lasts for _____ days.- The Moors' rule in Spain began in the _____ century.- The Chinese New Year celebration lasts for ____ days.- The Moors were known for their ______ gardens in Spain....

January Crossword 2024-01-12

January Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Romantic way to start the year
  2. New Year’s goal
  3. Famous MLK speech
  4. Hour of midnight
  5. 3,2,1…
  6. 12-month agenda
  7. Last place to celebrate the new year
  8. Day before New Year’s (abbr.)
  9. Fiery wand
  10. Toast proclamation
  1. First place to celebrate the new year
  2. Festoon
  3. First month of the year
  4. For old times’ sake, in song
  5. Elemental explosions
  6. New year, new __
  7. Bubbly cheer
  8. Home to Times Square
  9. 2024 zodiac animal
  10. NY confetti contents
  11. New Year’s livestream
  12. We Shall ________

22 Clues: 3,2,1…FestoonFiery wandBubbly cheerNew Year’s goal12-month agendaNew year, new __Hour of midnightFamous MLK speechWe Shall ________2024 zodiac animalToast proclamationElemental explosionsHome to Times SquareNY confetti contentsNew Year’s livestreamFirst month of the yearFor old times’ sake, in songDay before New Year’s (abbr.)...

New year 2024-12-22

New year crossword puzzle
  1. jdbdhbf
  2. hbjhdbvjh
  3. kndhbdh
  4. nsdhdhbd
  5. klsdfjbdh
  6. tbgbg
  7. fnbghn
  1. bhrh
  2. kjnsqdjbsj d
  3. jbsdjhbh
  4. jnsdjj
  5. jhdjbd
  6. ndsjbhdhb
  7. bsdhbsdhdb

14 Clues: bhrhtbgbgjnsdjjjhdjbdfnbghnjdbdhbfkndhbdhjbsdjhbhnsdhdhbdhbjhdbvjhndsjbhdhbklsdfjbdhbsdhbsdhdbkjnsqdjbsj d

Happy New Year 2024-01-03

Happy New Year crossword puzzle
  1. Five, four, three, two, one...
  2. The day before a holiday
  3. Social celebration
  4. What you might play at a New Year's Eve party
  5. Long, flowing party ribbon
  6. Start of the New Year
  7. Traditional New Year's song: Auld Lang ____
  8. You might draw circles on it
  9. Personification of the New Year
  10. New Year's paper shower
  11. It drops in Times Square on New Year's Eve
  12. New Year's promise
  13. The first month of the year
  14. Party going head topper
  15. Everyone's eyes are on this as midnight approaches
  16. New York City location where people gather on New Year's Eve: Times ___
  1. New Year's Eve character carrying an hourglass
  2. ___ New Year!
  3. What you need to dance
  4. It usually has 365 days
  5. Last month of the year
  6. You blow it up and it floats
  7. Father Time carries this around
  8. This might happen at midnight
  9. Kicking up your heels
  10. Time the new year begins
  11. Firework you hold in your hand

27 Clues: ___ New Year!Social celebrationNew Year's promiseStart of the New YearKicking up your heelsWhat you need to danceLast month of the yearIt usually has 365 daysNew Year's paper showerParty going head topperThe day before a holidayTime the new year beginsLong, flowing party ribbonThe first month of the yearYou might draw circles on it...

NEW YEAR 2024-01-07

NEW YEAR crossword puzzle
  1. long part of fireplace
  2. 10 9 8...3 2 1
  3. lights on christmas tree
  4. fire inside the house
  5. ice on the roof
  6. a small paper container that makes a loud noise.
  7. handled firework
  8. round christmas tree decoration
  1. Santa's animal
  2. little piece of snow
  3. Songs that people sing during celebration
  4. colourful exploision in the sky
  5. Santa's car
  6. Jingle ....

14 Clues: Santa's carJingle ....Santa's animal10 9 8...3 2 1ice on the roofhandled fireworklittle piece of snowfire inside the houselong part of fireplacelights on christmas treecolourful exploision in the skyround christmas tree decorationSongs that people sing during celebrationa small paper container that makes a loud noise.

New year 2024-12-21

New year crossword puzzle
  1. A spice made from the inner bark of trees from the genus Cinnamomum, commonly used in sweet dishes.
  2. A circular arrangement of flowers or greenery used as decoration, often hung on doors.
  3. A commitment to change or improve oneself in the new year.
  4. The transition time from one day to the next; significant for New Year celebrations.
  5. A large cup typically used for drinking hot beverages like coffee or tea
  6. A small dish that holds a cup, often used for serving tea or coffee.
  7. A cylindrical container made of glass or plastic used for storing food items.
  8. Small pieces of paper or other materials that are thrown during celebrations.
  1. Wax sticks that provide light and ambiance
  2. Fabric covering for tables, often decorated for special occasions
  3. Small Russian pastries filled with various ingredients such as meat, vegetables, or fruit.
  4. Decorative material,often made of flowers, leaves
  5. Lights Small, decorative lights often used to create a festive atmosphere.
  6. Food that has been preserved by lowering its temperature below freezing point.

14 Clues: Wax sticks that provide light and ambianceDecorative material,often made of flowers, leavesA commitment to change or improve oneself in the new year.Fabric covering for tables, often decorated for special occasionsA small dish that holds a cup, often used for serving tea or coffee....

53a 2024-07-11

53a crossword puzzle
  1. Halloween treat
  2. Easter hat
  3. Halloween creature
  4. New Year party item
  5. Leprechaun's treasure
  6. Easter container
  7. New Year promise
  8. Santa's ride
  9. New Year bang
  10. Easter animal
  11. Christmas season
  12. New Year drink
  13. St. Patrick's arc
  1. Carved pumpkin
  2. Halloween character
  3. St. Patrick's plant
  4. New Year decor
  5. Easter symbols
  6. Santa's helper
  7. St. Patrick's character
  8. Christmas song
  9. Christmas decoration
  10. Winter character
  11. Winter decoration
  12. Easter flowers

25 Clues: Easter hatSanta's rideNew Year bangEaster animalCarved pumpkinNew Year decorEaster symbolsSanta's helperChristmas songEaster flowersNew Year drinkHalloween treatEaster containerNew Year promiseWinter characterChristmas seasonWinter decorationSt. Patrick's arcHalloween creatureHalloween characterSt. Patrick's plantNew Year party item...

New Year, New Crossword 2022-01-12

New Year, New Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. sandwich or physics teacher
  2. worldly club
  3. this year's national champs or rubber
  4. half virtual, half in-person learning
  5. two consequtive periods offered only to seniors
  6. disease plaguing the upper class
  7. GRHS art teacher or dessert chef
  8. ms. abrahamsen's classroom
  9. place at school you might go for a quick bite
  10. what time school gets out these days
  1. where you can find the answers to this crossword
  2. name of this newspaper
  3. GRHS's most famous alumni; scientologist
  4. who writes for our paper?
  5. number of years the newspaper has been digital
  6. GRHS science teacher or place to take a photo
  7. non-romance language offered at GRHS
  8. where to eat lunch outside

18 Clues: worldly clubname of this newspaperwho writes for our paper?ms. abrahamsen's classroomwhere to eat lunch outsidesandwich or physics teacherdisease plaguing the upper classGRHS art teacher or dessert chefnon-romance language offered at GRHSwhat time school gets out these daysthis year's national champs or rubberhalf virtual, half in-person learning...

New Year, New You 2023-11-30

New Year, New You crossword puzzle
  1. what to plant in an empty field
  2. is better, more than one
  3. in shinning armor, be your own
  4. She really had a _____ for her future
  5. You gotta have this in yourself
  6. or never
  7. ____ hard, work hard
  8. dreams
  9. when flowers bloom
  10. is a new day
  11. The ___ is shinning, not a cloud in the sky
  1. another word for joy
  2. count your blessings
  3. _____ coat of paint
  4. turn on the _____
  5. _______, all I need is the air that I breath (song)
  6. a new leaf
  7. Promises to one's future self

18 Clues: dreamsor nevera new leafis a new dayturn on the _____when flowers bloom_____ coat of paintanother word for joycount your blessings____ hard, work hardis better, more than onePromises to one's future selfin shinning armor, be your ownwhat to plant in an empty fieldYou gotta have this in yourselfShe really had a _____ for her future...

Happy New Year 2024-12-11

Happy New Year crossword puzzle
  9. "_____ NEW YEAR!"
  11. BUBBLY


New Year's Eve Crossword 2024-12-28

New Year's Eve Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The ceremonial lowering of a ball at midnight, most famously in Times Square, New York.
  2. Small pieces of paper or material thrown in celebration.
  3. Food served late in the evening, often during New Year’s Eve parties.
  4. A large and formal celebration or party
  5. A sparkling wine often associated with New Year’s Eve celebrations.
  6. Activities or events organized to celebrate the New Year.
  7. A non-alcoholic bubbly drink popular for toasts during New Year’s Eve.
  8. The backward counting to the start of the New Year, typically starting from ten.
  9. A personal list of goals for the upcoming year.
  10. The exact time when New Year’s Day begins.
  11. A clock specifically used to display the time left until the New Year.
  12. Long, narrow pieces of paper or fabric used as decorations during parties.
  13. Small gifts or items given to guests during New Year’s celebrations.
  14. Tiny, shiny pieces of material used for decoration during celebrations.
  15. A tradition of kissing someone at midnight to bring good luck.
  16. A traditional song sung at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve.
  17. Explosive displays of light and color, often used to mark the New Year.
  1. A firm decision to do or not do something in the upcoming year.
  2. Inflatable decorations often used to enhance New Year’s Eve settings.
  3. A famous location in New York City known for its New Year’s Eve celebrations.
  4. Decorative headwear worn during New Year’s Eve celebrations.
  5. Special clothing worn for New Year’s Eve parties, often formal or festive.
  6. A joyful event to honor the arrival of the New Year.
  7. A television program focused on New Year’s Eve celebrations and midnight countdowns.
  8. Devices that create noise, used to express excitement during New Year festivities.
  9. A custom or practice followed during New Year’s Eve, such as making resolutions.
  10. Handheld fireworks that emit bright, sparkling light.
  11. The act of starting anew, symbolized by the transition to the New Year.
  12. A ceremonial gesture of raising a glass to wish for good things in the New Year.
  13. An expression of good wishes before taking a drink, common at New Year parties.

30 Clues: A large and formal celebration or partyThe exact time when New Year’s Day begins.A personal list of goals for the upcoming year.A joyful event to honor the arrival of the New Year.Handheld fireworks that emit bright, sparkling light.Small pieces of paper or material thrown in celebration.Activities or events organized to celebrate the New Year....

New Year 2016-01-13

New Year crossword puzzle
  1. an important animal in Belgium and Romania
  2. it is symbolized with broken plates in Denmark
  3. it is traditionally burned in New Year's bonfires in Panama
  4. what does dragon symbolize?
  5. island which celebrates New Year as first
  6. in Germany they are called Pfannkuchens
  1. another name for wreath cake
  2. an animal uses in New Year's game in Belarus
  3. colour of underwear which signifies peace
  4. The name of the Festival which is the literal translation of the modern Chinese name
  5. they are eaten by Argentineans to find better job in new year
  6. place where people smear each other with gray talc
  7. Romans' god with two faces

13 Clues: Romans' god with two faceswhat does dragon symbolize?another name for wreath cakein Germany they are called Pfannkuchenscolour of underwear which signifies peaceisland which celebrates New Year as firstan important animal in Belgium and Romaniaan animal uses in New Year's game in Belarusit is symbolized with broken plates in Denmark...

New Year 2024-01-09

New Year crossword puzzle
  1. Something people do that has been passed through generations
  2. Hispanics eat these at midnight on New Year's Eve
  3. This is dropped in New York City at midnight on New Year's Eve
  4. 12 o'clock at night
  5. A display of light and noise created by burning an explosive
  6. To do something special or enjoyable for an important event
  7. The movement of the body in a rhythmic way, usually to music and within a given space
  1. A pale yellow or pink, bubbly wine made in France
  2. Month of New Year
  3. A promise to do or not do something
  4. Couples do this at midnight on New Year's Eve
  5. There are 12 of these in a year
  6. The counting aloud of numbers in reverse

13 Clues: Month of New Year12 o'clock at nightThere are 12 of these in a yearA promise to do or not do somethingThe counting aloud of numbers in reverseCouples do this at midnight on New Year's EveA pale yellow or pink, bubbly wine made in FranceHispanics eat these at midnight on New Year's EveTo do something special or enjoyable for an important event...

New Year, New Crossword 2024-12-26

New Year, New Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Often regarded as the slowest month of the year for local businesses.
  2. This local town is getting a new mayor for the first time in 40 years.
  3. Made at New Year's and commonly broken.
  4. These animals will hit the sands at a Wildwood rodeo this May.
  5. You'll have to wait until *when* to visit Morey's Piers?
  6. The minimum what increased Jan 1 of this year?
  7. Folks often make resolutions to lose this.
  8. If you're willing to get cold, you can ______ into the winter ocean.
  9. Fear not, Christmas returns to the shore in ____.
  1. This New Year, read more of what?
  2. Do the Shore changes from a weekly section in the Herald to a bi-weekly *what* this summer?
  3. The Herald is published how often?
  4. A local songwriter conference is hosted here!
  5. How many clovers? Hint: think the children's development club.
  6. If you value the Herald's reporting, you should *what*?
  7. Which township gets cannabis this year?
  8. The best newspaper in Cape May County (according to us, anyway)

17 Clues: This New Year, read more of what?The Herald is published how often?Made at New Year's and commonly broken.Which township gets cannabis this year?Folks often make resolutions to lose this.A local songwriter conference is hosted here!The minimum what increased Jan 1 of this year?Fear not, Christmas returns to the shore in ____....

New year 2017-01-01

New year crossword puzzle
  1. to dance to
  2. scotish version
  3. pull the string
  4. 12 strikes
  5. gift brought into the house by a tall dark stranger
  6. no work today
  7. london time piece
  8. have one on nw years day
  1. girateing around the room
  2. light up the sky
  3. one week earlier
  4. side splitting
  5. having fun

13 Clues: having fun12 strikesto dance tono work todayside splittingscotish versionpull the stringlight up the skyone week earlierlondon time piecehave one on nw years daygirateing around the roomgift brought into the house by a tall dark stranger

New Year 2024-12-21

New Year crossword puzzle
  1. Arnav's swimming buddy's mother
  2. One of the Vedas
  3. calls himself GOD
  4. Varnie's badminton partner's mother
  5. Ocean in Sanskrit
  1. Saint
  2. Landlord
  3. Rishi's neighbour friend's mother
  4. One who is described or praised
  5. Namesake of the Cricket's all time greatest
  6. Go karting champion
  7. one of the host for the evening
  8. Radiance / Shining

13 Clues: SaintLandlordOne of the Vedascalls himself GODOcean in SanskritRadiance / ShiningGo karting championArnav's swimming buddy's motherOne who is described or praisedone of the host for the eveningRishi's neighbour friend's motherVarnie's badminton partner's motherNamesake of the Cricket's all time greatest

SANC Voice January 2025 2024-12-31

SANC Voice January 2025 crossword puzzle
  1. Calendar marking the new year
  2. Good luck symbol at celebrations
  3. A fresh start or new beginning
  4. Festive meat dish served at gatherings
  5. Reflecting on the past year
  6. Hope for the new year
  7. Fireworks seen during celebrations
  8. Traditional Sudanese coffee ceremony
  9. Sana wa Inta Tayyib New Year’s greeting
  10. A gathering for special occasions
  11. Decorations used during celebrations
  1. Rich stew served at family gatherings
  2. Traditional dance at festive events
  3. Music central to New Year’s celebrations
  4. Visiting relatives during holidays
  5. Flatbread served at celebrations
  6. Sweet treat served during celebrations
  7. Hibiscus drink served at celebrations
  8. Blessings shared during the New Year
  9. al-Layl Midnight, marking the new year

20 Clues: Hope for the new yearReflecting on the past yearCalendar marking the new yearA fresh start or new beginningFlatbread served at celebrationsGood luck symbol at celebrationsA gathering for special occasionsVisiting relatives during holidaysFireworks seen during celebrationsTraditional dance at festive eventsBlessings shared during the New Year...

New year 2017-01-01

New year crossword puzzle
  1. to dance to
  2. scotish version
  3. pull the string
  4. 12 strikes
  5. gift brought into the house by a tall dark stranger
  6. no work today
  7. london time piece
  8. have one on nw years day
  1. girateing around the room
  2. light up the sky
  3. one week earlier
  4. side splitting
  5. having fun

13 Clues: having fun12 strikesto dance tono work todayside splittingscotish versionpull the stringlight up the skyone week earlierlondon time piecehave one on nw years daygirateing around the roomgift brought into the house by a tall dark stranger

new year 2020-12-16

new year crossword puzzle
  1. we eat it
  2. last day of december
  3. we eat it
  4. new years eve abbreviation
  5. first day of januari
  6. we play it
  7. we .... on music
  1. we spend new years withe friends and...
  2. we set off at 12 u
  3. down 10.. 9.. 8..
  4. we .... the new year
  5. we can win it
  6. we eat it
  7. ... new year
  8. we drink it

15 Clues: we eat itwe eat itwe eat itwe play itwe drink it... new yearwe can win itwe .... on musicdown 10.. 9.. 8..we set off at 12 uwe .... the new yearlast day of decemberfirst day of januarinew years eve abbreviationwe spend new years withe friends and...

New year 2017-01-01

New year crossword puzzle
  1. to dance to
  2. scotish version
  3. pull the string
  4. 12 strikes
  5. gift brought into the house by a tall dark stranger
  6. no work today
  7. london time piece
  8. have one on nw years day
  1. girateing around the room
  2. light up the sky
  3. one week earlier
  4. side splitting
  5. having fun

13 Clues: having fun12 strikesto dance tono work todayside splittingscotish versionpull the stringlight up the skyone week earlierlondon time piecehave one on nw years daygirateing around the roomgift brought into the house by a tall dark stranger

New Year 2024-01-09

New Year crossword puzzle
  1. Something people do that has been passed through generations
  2. Hispanics eat these at midnight on New Year's Eve
  3. This is dropped in New York City at midnight on New Year's Eve
  4. 12 o'clock at night
  5. A display of light and noise created by burning an explosive
  6. To do something special or enjoyable for an important event
  7. The movement of the body in a rhythmic way, usually to music and within a given space
  1. A pale yellow or pink, bubbly wine made in France
  2. Month of New Year
  3. A promise to do or not do something
  4. Couples do this at midnight on New Year's Eve
  5. There are 12 of these in a year
  6. The counting aloud of numbers in reverse

13 Clues: Month of New Year12 o'clock at nightThere are 12 of these in a yearA promise to do or not do somethingThe counting aloud of numbers in reverseCouples do this at midnight on New Year's EveA pale yellow or pink, bubbly wine made in FranceHispanics eat these at midnight on New Year's EveTo do something special or enjoyable for an important event...

Chinese New Year 2023 The Year of the Rabbit 2023-01-13

Chinese New Year 2023 The Year of the Rabbit crossword puzzle
  1. Type of calendar that the Chinese New Year is based on
  2. Color that symbolizes fire and drives away bad luck
  3. Find this in your dumpling and you will have a year of good luck
  4. What you must clean to be ready for. Chinese New Year
  5. Chinese zodiac animal representing 2022
  6. Popular Chinese new year food
  7. Cantonese for "'Wishing you great happiness and prosperity
  8. Season in which Chinese new year takes place
  9. Many people are needed to carry and move this creature in a parade
  1. Chines year is known as the_ festival
  2. ______ Festival: Last day of the Chinese New Year
  3. Use these to eat your Chinese food
  4. Plant that brings happiness, wealth and longevity
  5. Number of Chinese zodiac animals
  6. _________ dinner: name for the meal Chinese families share on the eve of Chinese New Year
  7. Number of days the Chinese New Year celebration traditionally lasts
  8. Chinese New Year noisemaker used to scare off evil spirts
  9. Chinese zodiac animal representing 2021

18 Clues: Popular Chinese new year foodNumber of Chinese zodiac animalsUse these to eat your Chinese foodChines year is known as the_ festivalChinese zodiac animal representing 2022Chinese zodiac animal representing 2021Season in which Chinese new year takes place______ Festival: Last day of the Chinese New Year...

Ringing in The New Year 2024-11-28

Ringing in The New Year crossword puzzle
  1. "Lose _______" is a popular resolution
  2. Country famous for New Year's "Midnight Sun"
  3. Many aim to break this bad habit on January 1
  4. The zodiac animal changes every New Year in this culture
  5. January 1 is the start of a new _______
  6. The first visitor after midnight in Scotland
  7. Round fruits are eaten for good luck in this country
  8. Savings goals often start with a new _______
  9. Scottish celebration of New Year
  10. This is what you promise yourself to achieve
  1. New Year's Eve sparkling display
  2. Square Confetti falls from the sky in this iconic NYC area
  3. Time zones first to celebrate New Year
  4. They sing "Auld Lang _______"
  5. Big party city in Brazil for New Year's
  6. The time the ball drops in Times Square
  7. Traditional New Year's toast drink
  8. Object that rings in the New Year
  9. The gym is crowded in this month
  10. Common New Year's resolution: "Get in _______"

20 Clues: They sing "Auld Lang _______"New Year's Eve sparkling displayThe gym is crowded in this monthScottish celebration of New YearObject that rings in the New YearTraditional New Year's toast drink"Lose _______" is a popular resolutionTime zones first to celebrate New YearBig party city in Brazil for New Year'sThe time the ball drops in Times Square...

Ringing in The New Year 2024-11-28

Ringing in The New Year crossword puzzle
  1. New Year's Eve sparkling display
  2. The time the ball drops in Times Square
  3. The gym is crowded in this month
  4. Traditional New Year's toast drink
  5. Object that rings in the New Year
  6. The first visitor after midnight in Scotland
  7. Savings goals often start with a new _______
  8. Country famous for New Year's "Midnight Sun"
  1. Time zones first to celebrate New Year
  2. Scottish celebration of New Year
  3. Many aim to break this bad habit on January 1
  4. They sing "Auld Lang _______"
  5. Big party city in Brazil for New Year's
  6. The zodiac animal changes every New Year in this culture
  7. Common New Year's resolution: "Get in _______"
  8. January 1 is the start of a new _______
  9. Round fruits are eaten for good luck in this country
  10. This is what you promise yourself to achieve
  11. Confetti falls from the sky in this iconic NYC area
  12. "Lose _______" is a popular resolution

20 Clues: They sing "Auld Lang _______"Scottish celebration of New YearNew Year's Eve sparkling displayThe gym is crowded in this monthObject that rings in the New YearTraditional New Year's toast drinkTime zones first to celebrate New Year"Lose _______" is a popular resolutionBig party city in Brazil for New Year'sThe time the ball drops in Times Square...

New Year 2022-12-20

New Year crossword puzzle
  1. эльф
  2. снежок
  3. звезда
  4. северный олень
  5. подарок
  6. дымоход
  7. снеговик
  1. шары
  2. свеча
  3. огни
  4. сани
  5. хлопушка-конфета
  6. носок

13 Clues: шарыэльфогнисанисвечаносокснежокзвездаподарокдымоходснеговиксеверный оленьхлопушка-конфета

Review weeks 6-9 2023-01-10

Review weeks 6-9 crossword puzzle
  1. a song with two singers is a ___
  2. 春节 or Tết is this new year (moon)
  3. "You ___ get up and try, try, try..."
  4. this the Persian New Year
  5. In Australia people watch fireworks here
  6. A man who "plays women" is a __
  7. let + me pronunciation
  8. Yalda is celebrate on this Winter...
  9. drink this on NYE, cheers!
  10. singer 'Try' song
  11. famous soccer play, passed away
  12. The Ball ___ happens in New York
  1. "New Year, New __"
  2. inside the Rosca cake there is one of these
  3. (verb) to cheers glasses together
  4. Songkran is celebrated in what country
  5. Winter Solstice is the ___ night of the year
  6. Hijri is New Year for this religion
  7. This song went viral on TikTok
  8. Rosh Hashanah is New Year for this religion
  9. "Turn over a new ___" idiom.
  10. when people cheers, they say this

22 Clues: singer 'Try' song"New Year, New __"let + me pronunciationthis the Persian New Yeardrink this on NYE, cheers!"Turn over a new ___" idiom.This song went viral on TikTokA man who "plays women" is a __famous soccer play, passed awaya song with two singers is a ___The Ball ___ happens in New York(verb) to cheers glasses together...

Christmas 2023 2023-12-21

Christmas 2023 crossword puzzle
  1. brought Mary to Bethlehem?
  2. mother's name
  3. and April's new role this year
  4. year Grandma ran _____ miles around the lake for her birthday
  5. new baby's name
  6. and Dillan got a new _____ this year
  7. _____from college this year
  8. month Jessica and Justin got married
  9. and April went on a ________ this year
  10. girls go to The _________
  11. month Joslyn and Dillan got married
  12. moved into a new ______ this year
  13. and Josh became ______ this year
  14. loves sweet Christmas _____
  1. is working on _____ tree this year
  2. Joslyn and Dillan are moving
  3. girlfriend's name
  4. Jacob moved into this year
  5. build this out of snow
  6. and Kathy's new role
  7. baby Jesus was born
  8. Liz's vacations involved this year
  9. of Santa's reindeer
  10. the Wisemen brought to Baby Jesus
  11. of the book of the Bible where the Christmas story is told
  12. and Joslyn each got a new ____ this year
  13. and Josh had a _____ this year
  14. green decoration hung on the door
  15. sport Grandma and Grandpa like

29 Clues: mother's namenew baby's namegirlfriend's namebaby Jesus was bornof Santa's reindeerand Kathy's new rolebuild this out of snowgirls go to The _________brought Mary to Bethlehem?Jacob moved into this year_____from college this yearloves sweet Christmas _____Joslyn and Dillan are movingand April's new role this yearand Josh had a _____ this year...

bns 2 2024-12-19

bns 2 crossword puzzle
  1. – A decorative sign used to display messages like “Happy New Year.”
  2. – The trough where baby Jesus was laid in the nativity story.
  3. – A word shouted to celebrate New Year’s Eve.
  4. – A green plant often used in Christmas wreaths or decorations.
  5. – A decorative strand of greenery or lights.
  6. – The place Santa is said to climb down to deliver presents.
  7. – A large sock hung by the fireplace for gifts.
  8. – A light often used in New Year celebrations.
  9. – A small handheld firework used to celebrate New Year.
  10. – A public celebration with floats and performers, common for New Year.
  11. – Colorful ribbons used to decorate for New Year parties.
  1. – People who sing Christmas songs door-to-door.
  2. – A noisemaker used to welcome the New Year.
  3. – The animals that pull Santa’s sleigh.
  4. – The time when the New Year officially begins.
  5. – A celebratory meal, often enjoyed on New Year’s Day.
  6. – Small pieces of paper thrown during celebrations.
  7. – A decorative item hung on a Christmas tree.
  8. – A shiny decoration used to adorn Christmas trees.
  9. – A traditional sound of Christmas, often rung in celebration.

20 Clues: – The animals that pull Santa’s sleigh.– A noisemaker used to welcome the New Year.– A decorative strand of greenery or lights.– A word shouted to celebrate New Year’s Eve.– A decorative item hung on a Christmas tree.– A light often used in New Year celebrations.– People who sing Christmas songs door-to-door....

New Years Day 2022-01-14

New Years Day crossword puzzle
  1. wear a new ______ to festival
  2. name of Babylonian new year celebration
  3. new year _____
  4. eaten for good luck
  5. first to name it a national holiday
  6. 12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-0!
  7. throw a bucket of ____ out the window
  8. January was named after him
  9. fied dough fritter
  10. people have _____ to celebrate
  1. month you celebrate new year's eve
  2. people celebrate and have parties there
  3. couples do at midnight
  4. some people drink on special occasions
  5. see a lot on new year
  6. for blessings and enjoyment
  7. means courage and love
  8. when you celebrate new years day
  9. babylonians honored him on Akitu
  10. first to celebrate new year
  11. eat twelve at midnight

21 Clues: new year _____fied dough frittereaten for good lucksee a lot on new yearcouples do at midnightmeans courage and loveeat twelve at midnightfor blessings and enjoymentJanuary was named after himfirst to celebrate new yearwear a new ______ to festival12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-0!people have _____ to celebratewhen you celebrate new years day...

Happy New year 2020-12-16

Happy New year crossword puzzle
  1. ...was fizzing in the glass(adults above the 21 are drinking it with New Year)
  2. we always...with the last ten seconds
  3. The new year starts at... o'clock
  4. The holiday before New year is...
  5. People are blowing up decoration
  6. We are celebrating on New Year the start of the...
  7. This year it is not allowed, but normally we would set off...with New year
  1. We celebrate at...
  2. Of course it's very fun, but there also is delicious...
  3. This New Year is gonna be a lot different because of the...
  4. We celebrate New Year on the month...
  5. And a... New Year
  6. The second day of New year is on the 1ste of...
  7. Have a happy...!
  8. New Year's

15 Clues: New Year'sHave a happy...!And a... New YearWe celebrate at...The new year starts at... o'clockThe holiday before New year is...we always...with the last ten secondsWe celebrate New Year on the month...People are blowing up decorationThe second day of New year is on the 1ste of...We are celebrating on New Year the start of the......

Chinese New Year 2021-01-23

Chinese New Year crossword puzzle
  1. God
  2. dragon
  3. lantern
  4. rice
  5. lucky
  6. fish
  7. tangerine
  8. money
  9. dinner
  1. dumplings
  2. wealth
  3. couplets
  4. pot
  5. dance
  6. reunion
  7. cake
  8. fireworks
  9. firecrackers
  10. hot
  11. envelope
  12. red
  13. lion

22 Clues: Godpothotredricecakefishliondanceluckymoneywealthdragondinnerlanternreunioncoupletsenvelopedumplingsfireworkstangerinefirecrackers

Lunar New Year 2021-02-07

Lunar New Year crossword puzzle
  1. pets with four legs related to wolves
  2. opposite of dark
  3. dye
  4. moves to music
  5. having to do with the moon
  6. wicked or cruel
  7. mythical monsters that eat fire
  8. path in sky with 12 parts used to make calendar
  9. country with that has the most people living there
  10. large striped animals that live in Asia
  11. animal like a small ape
  12. animals raised on a farm with horns and beards
  1. male chicken
  2. to use a broom
  3. strong animals used to plow fields
  4. slithery reptiles without legs
  5. ornaments to wear on ears or around the neck
  6. opposite of good
  7. opposite of bad
  8. bunnies
  9. fortunate, successful by chance
  10. truthful, reliable
  11. farm animals raised for pork
  12. satellite that moves around the earth each month
  13. rodents that looks like a big mice
  14. things to wear to keep you warm
  15. strong animal used to plow fields
  16. living creatures that can breathe and move

28 Clues: dyebunniesmale chickento use a broommoves to musicopposite of badwicked or cruelopposite of darkopposite of goodtruthful, reliableanimal like a small apehaving to do with the moonfarm animals raised for porkslithery reptiles without legsmythical monsters that eat firefortunate, successful by chancethings to wear to keep you warm...

New Year 2017 2016-12-31

New Year 2017 crossword puzzle
  1. Colored rain
  2. Famous NYE song
  3. Local celeb
  4. New York location
  5. World Series Winners
  6. Reality show ended after 15 years
  7. People gather to celebrate
  8. When life gives you lemons make lemonade
  9. Okie from Muskogee
  10. New job holder
  11. London Clock
  12. Couples celebrate with
  13. summer app craze
  14. Past gathering spot
  1. Beginning of 2017
  2. Promise you make
  3. Shocking celeb divorce
  4. Royalty 90th
  5. Celebration drink
  6. May the force be with her
  7. The final moments of 2016
  8. Explosion of lights
  9. Horn or rattle
  10. USA Women's gymnist's
  11. Good luck food
  12. Small pieces of colured paper or streamers
  13. Another 1st women in history
  14. homecourt

28 Clues: homecourtLocal celebRoyalty 90thColored rainLondon ClockHorn or rattleGood luck foodNew job holderFamous NYE songPromise you makesummer app crazeBeginning of 2017Celebration drinkNew York locationOkie from MuskogeeExplosion of lightsPast gathering spotWorld Series WinnersUSA Women's gymnist'sShocking celeb divorceCouples celebrate with...

New Year Review 2018-01-03

New Year Review crossword puzzle
  1. to place in order
  2. to expire
  3. a social outcast
  4. to believe
  5. power to attract
  6. to lie at rest
  7. to state as truth
  8. tyrant
  9. a welcome gift
  10. showy display
  11. worldly
  12. free of charge
  13. very many
  14. immature
  15. to speak of as unimportant
  16. learned
  17. to cut off a body part
  18. to express grief
  19. one who falls behind
  20. a theme
  21. to draw a conclusion from facts
  22. to offend
  1. highest point
  2. an old saying
  3. amusing in a quiet but sharp way
  4. intensely hot and dry
  5. severe bodily injury
  6. to measure the depth
  7. to get smaller
  8. fitting the occasion
  9. to split with force
  10. to show excessive fondness
  11. a visit
  12. express deep regret
  13. talkative
  14. Man's best friend
  15. an ungrateful person
  16. an unproven principle
  17. noisy uproar
  18. to take away from the value of
  19. wander aimlessly
  20. Has a trunk
  21. to entertain
  22. Large marsupial
  23. no longer fresh or new
  24. to praise highly
  25. unspoken
  26. Flying mammal
  27. Likes to chase mice

49 Clues: tyranta visitworldlylearneda themeimmatureunspokento expiretalkativevery manyto offendto believeHas a trunknoisy uproarto entertainhighest pointan old sayingshowy displayFlying mammalto get smallerto lie at resta welcome giftfree of chargeLarge marsupiala social outcastpower to attractwander aimlesslyto express griefto praise highly...

Chinese New Year 2018-03-25

Chinese New Year crossword puzzle
  1. This year has 13 months
  2. The animal that represents 2019
  3. A fruit which is considered a symbol of good fortune
  4. another name for Chinese New Year
  5. Chinese people don’t eat this for New Year
  6. The capital of China
  7. The animal that represents 2018
  8. There are 12 ... in the calendar
  9. Fish symbolize
  10. Another lucky colour
  11. Little fireworks
  12. Workshippers typically visit the..... on the 3 day of the New Year
  13. A traditional dance
  14. In this Year there is an error
  1. There are ... months in the Chinese calendar
  2. On the head of the lion is a ...
  3. A colour that represents good luck
  4. A characteristic of the goat
  5. On the 15 day of the month there is..
  6. A typical sweet with rice
  7. The animal that represents 2003
  8. A big , fat animal in the calendar
  9. Monte in china
  10. Symbolises family reunion
  11. Involtini in English
  12. Like cows (plural)
  13. Children given money or sweets in red ...
  14. Typical food like spaghetti

28 Clues: Monte in chinaFish symbolizeLittle fireworksLike cows (plural)A traditional danceInvoltini in EnglishThe capital of ChinaAnother lucky colourThis year has 13 monthsA typical sweet with riceSymbolises family reunionTypical food like spaghettiA characteristic of the goatIn this Year there is an errorThe animal that represents 2019...

Chinese New Year 2018-03-25

Chinese New Year crossword puzzle
  1. This year has 13 months
  2. The animal that represents 2019
  3. A fruit which is considered a symbol of good fortune
  4. another name for Chinese New Year
  5. Chinese people don’t eat this for New Year
  6. The capital of China
  7. The animal that represents 2018
  8. There are 12 ... in the calendar
  9. Fish symbolize
  10. Another lucky colour
  11. Little fireworks
  12. Workshippers typically visit the..... on the 3 day of the New Year
  13. A traditional dance
  14. In this Year there is an error
  1. There are ... months in the Chinese calendar
  2. On the head of the lion is a ...
  3. A colour that represents good luck
  4. A characteristic of the goat
  5. On the 15 day of the month there is..
  6. A typical sweet with rice
  7. The animal that represents 2003
  8. A big , fat animal in the calendar
  9. Monte in china
  10. Symbolises family reunion
  11. Involtini in English
  12. Like cows (plural)
  13. Children given money or sweets in red ...
  14. Typical food like spaghetti

28 Clues: Monte in chinaFish symbolizeLittle fireworksLike cows (plural)A traditional danceInvoltini in EnglishThe capital of ChinaAnother lucky colourThis year has 13 monthsA typical sweet with riceSymbolises family reunionTypical food like spaghettiA characteristic of the goatIn this Year there is an errorThe animal that represents 2019...

Happy New Year 2016-11-10

Happy New Year crossword puzzle
  1. a song sung during the Christmas season in some countries.
  2. a Christian holiday that is celebrated on December 25 (e.g. in GB and USA) in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ or the period of time that comes before and after this holiday.
  3. a promise or goal that people hope to accomplish during the coming year.
  4. a small paper cylinder that is filled with an explosive and that produces a loud noise when it explodes.
  5. small pieces or streamers of colored paper that are scattered around during the course of festive occasions.
  6. a display of small objects with chemicals inside them that burn with coloured flames, spark and make colourful explosions and loud noises in the sky.
  7. a French white wine that has many bubbles and that people often drink on special occasions.
  8. a type of firework that you hold in your hand and that throws off very bright sparks as it burns.
  9. a large type of deer that lives in nothern parts of the world.
  10. the middle of the night : 12 o'clock at night.
  11. the name of the lead reindeer in Santa’s sleigh.
  12. a ring or rope that is made of leaves, flowers, or some other material and that is used as a decoration.
  13. a social gathering for amusement or celebration.
  14. a thing given willingly to someone without payment; a present.
  1. a circle of fresh or dried flowers or leaves which people hang on their front door around Christmas time.
  2. a party or other special event that you have for an important occasion, holiday, etc.
  3. sounds that are sung by voices or played on musical instruments.
  4. a plant with yellowish flowers and white berries that is traditionally used as a Christmas decoration.
  5. a document, chart, etc., that shows the days, weeks, and months of a year.
  6. a large, open vehicle that is usually pulled by a horse over snow or ice.
  7. a small, fancy object that is put on the Christmas tree to make it more attractive.
  8. the evening or the day before a special day.
  9. the sound made by a set of (clock) bells.
  10. a long, narrow piece of colored paper or plastic that is used as a decoration
  11. a traditional English dessert made of dried fruit soaked in alcohol, eaten on Christmas day.

25 Clues: the sound made by a set of (clock) bells.the evening or the day before a special day.the middle of the night : 12 o'clock at night.the name of the lead reindeer in Santa’s sleigh.a social gathering for amusement or celebration.a song sung during the Christmas season in some countries.a large type of deer that lives in nothern parts of the world....

Chinese New Year 2023-11-14

Chinese New Year crossword puzzle
  1. What calendar do Americans follow over the lunar calendar?
  2. What country has a water buffalo and a cat in the 12 zodiacs?
  3. What is the giving of red envelopes also known as?
  4. What food represents luck?
  5. Around how many people celebrate Chinese New Year?
  6. What country's citizens are given five days to celebrate?
  7. What emotion does the color red symbolize in Chinese culture?
  8. What opera house in Australia is lit up red for Chinese New Year?
  9. What do South Koreans refer to Chinese New Year as?
  1. In what country do they eat "tteokguk"?
  2. In what country, that is not primarily Chinese, celebrate with parades and gift giving?
  3. What food is also used to celebrate birthdays?
  4. In what country does Chinese New Year represent a clean slate?
  5. What element was used to scare Nian away?
  6. What food represents wealth?
  7. Which one of the 12 zodiacs represents peace and prosperity?
  8. What year did Japan decide to follow a gregorian calendar?
  9. What was the name of the beast the villagers scared away?
  10. What is Chinese New Year also known as?
  11. What dances are performed during Chinese New Year?
  12. What is the predominant color in Chinese New Year decorations?
  13. What is used to chase away evil spirits?
  14. What country is a polyglot nation?

23 Clues: What food represents luck?What food represents wealth?What country is a polyglot nation?In what country do they eat "tteokguk"?What is Chinese New Year also known as?What is used to chase away evil spirits?What element was used to scare Nian away?What food is also used to celebrate birthdays?What is the giving of red envelopes also known as?...

Chinese New Year 2023-11-14

Chinese New Year crossword puzzle
  1. What calendar do Americans follow over the lunar calendar?
  2. What country has a water buffalo and a cat in the 12 zodiacs?
  3. What is the giving of red envelopes also known as?
  4. What food represents luck?
  5. Around how many people celebrate Chinese New Year?
  6. What country's citizens are given five days to celebrate?
  7. What emotion does the color red symbolize in Chinese culture?
  8. What opera house in Australia is lit up red for Chinese New Year?
  9. What do South Koreans refer to Chinese New Year as?
  1. In what country do they eat "tteokguk"?
  2. In what country, that is not primarily Chinese, celebrate with parades and gift giving?
  3. What food is also used to celebrate birthdays?
  4. In what country does Chinese New Year represent a clean slate?
  5. What element was used to scare Nian away?
  6. What food represents wealth?
  7. Which one of the 12 zodiacs represents peace and prosperity?
  8. What year did Japan decide to follow a gregorian calendar?
  9. What was the name of the beast the villagers scared away?
  10. What is Chinese New Year also known as?
  11. What dances are performed during Chinese New Year?
  12. What is the predominant color in Chinese New Year decorations?
  13. What is used to chase away evil spirits?
  14. What country is a polyglot nation?

23 Clues: What food represents luck?What food represents wealth?What country is a polyglot nation?In what country do they eat "tteokguk"?What is Chinese New Year also known as?What is used to chase away evil spirits?What element was used to scare Nian away?What food is also used to celebrate birthdays?What is the giving of red envelopes also known as?...

Nitsch New Year 2023-12-29

Nitsch New Year crossword puzzle
  1. No longer the reigning champs...
  2. A process to measure the quality of our plans and products
  3. The largest retail water and wastewater utility in New England
  4. It's what we do people
  5. Takes charge of a project and its execution
  6. This is how we determine existing conditions
  7. Maps, Data, Geography
  8. We order your lunches :)
  9. One of our office locations
  10. You don't want to be stuck in this on the Mass Pike
  11. A free shoutout
  12. The month we were founded
  13. Nitsch provided stormwater management for this South End Park, which is also the home of our softball league
  1. These engineers get you from one place to another
  2. Abbreviation for a licensed engineer
  3. Design & maintenance of structures that serve the general public
  4. We do this to prevent lawsuits on projects
  5. This team specializes in resilience
  6. Provides support and inclusion to employees
  7. "First Lady", Last Name
  8. Our new one was just announced recently!
  9. Use this to clean up your inbox
  10. Results from heavy rainfall and snowstorms
  11. Redeem these for a little treat!
  12. This department deals with bridges & foundations/walls
  13. The original founder

26 Clues: A free shoutoutThe original founderMaps, Data, GeographyIt's what we do people"First Lady", Last NameWe order your lunches :)The month we were foundedOne of our office locationsUse this to clean up your inboxNo longer the reigning champs...Redeem these for a little treat!This team specializes in resilienceAbbreviation for a licensed engineer...